Our Mission
Imparting knowledge and creating awareness through all LiYA programs.

Our Goal
Making all the 6,38,000 plus villages of India CLEAN, GREEN, HEALTHY, WEALTHY and HAPPY!
Serving all the villages of India.
Imparting knowledge and creating awareness through all LiYA programs.
Making all the 6,38,000 plus villages of India CLEAN, GREEN, HEALTHY, WEALTHY and HAPPY!
Shri Manoj J Lekhiji, lovingly called Manojji, is a truth seeker at heart and a friend and guide to thousands in India and overseas.
After earning a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce in 1985, Manojji established and managed a very successful multi-crore business, Zedds Attire Pvt. Ltd., creating Indian designer wear for women. Fourteen years into the business at the age of twenty five, he met his Master, Guruji Shri Rishi Prabhakarji, creator of the Siddha Samadhi Yoga (www.ssy.org) program.
Under Guruji’s guidance and as a key disciple, Manojji himself has blossomed into a wonderful leader. Guruji’s trust in Manojji is so immense that before Guruji left his physical body in 2014, he entrusted Manojji as the Functional Head with the task of keeping his vast organization running
and growing. The prime directive of that organization, Rishi Samskruti Vidya Kendra (RSVK), is to create a joyous, harmonious and loving world.