Case Studies

Name : Amol Taware ​

Age : 26 Year

Village : Katarkhadak

Mobile No : +91976218471

Before joining SSY, I was very fearful and apprehensive in life. I also didn’t have any knowledge of inward life and out word life.

After joining SSY and especially after doing ssy programme, my life totally transformed. I have started doing meditation daily. My personal development has been phenomenal and is still increasing day by day.

Earlier, I was so shy that I could not even talk to strangers properly, but now I talk on the stage I am comfortable.

I am working with SSY since last 7 years as a store-in- charge.

As I was completely ignorant of the whole process, it is at ssy only, I have learnt how to manage the store dept.

I have also learnt here, how to operate a business. The most wonderful thing I have learnt is leadership quality and time management.

SSY has also given me an opportunity to learn computer & MS Office.


Most importantly I have realised the value of time and commitment towards my work. And I  always give my 100% to whatever I commit.

Name:Jagannath Malpote

Age: 42 Year

Village: Katarkhadak

Mobile No :

Before joining SSY I was in a big financial problem. I use to feel very poor & it use hurt to me a lot.

After Meeting Residents of SSY Ashram, I got so inspired and got myself a job at SSY Ashram.

As I started working in SSY, I started experiencing peace. My financial good condition also improved. Because of that, there is peace and happiness in my family.

Due to extra income from my job, I repaid the loan which I had taken earlier. I have also rebuilt my house of mud to cemented pukka house.

 Also I am able to send my child to the school which was impossible for me earlier.

After doing my SSY class, program still crop up, but me & my family are not perturbed any more.


I have decided to work with SSY with full dedication until my last breath.