Clean India Programme

Gearing up for the inauguration of Anand Kendra, on the eve of Guruji’s Aradhana Day, our Gurukulam students and residents decided to clean the Katarkhadak village. The activity brought the students closer to nature and they basked in the  satisfaction of making a positive difference in their immediate environs. Feeling for nature in general and trees in particular is an opportunity our Gurukulam kids rarely miss.

offering of RSVK


We inspired our Gurukulam students to contribute their bit towards Clean India Campaign. An endeavor to help our students experience Godliness.

Swatchh Bharat abhiyaan

Mahatma Gandhiji’s message to all of us is – ‘ Swatchhta is a seva’. On occasion of his birthday, our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji declared ‘Swatchh Bharat Abhiyan’.

RSVK is also continuously working towards ‘Clean India Green India’. Taking this opportunity, we inspired action in the rural India.

Offering of RSVK

Inspired action and participated in two villages, Jawal and Pimpoli.

All the children, men, women & youth enthusiastically  joined us to clean our beautiful India.

Details of the activity

Date: 2 Oct 2017

Venue: Jawal and Popoli

Participants: 23 and 24 respectively


Clean Katarkhadak

When beautiful people come together, beautiful things happen.’ One such experience was the coming together of the city children, the Gurukulam family and the villagers. The collective energy was thus directed towards creating, maintaining and recreating clean environs. On the festive occasion of Holi, before the Holi fire is lit, everyone got together to make the surroundings plastic- free. We envisioned a clean Katakhadak village and worked towards manifesting it.

Clean India

‘Be the change you wish to see in the world.’  Practically implementing this, the Cleanliness Drive taken up by us , aims at motivating the villagers to adopt cleanliness as a way of life. By walking the talk, the Rishi Gurukulam students, teachers, staff and workers themselves keep inspiring the villagers. The village children, students and grown ups are  encouraged to participate in these activities so that later on they maintain cleanliness of their own accord. 

Offering of RSVK

RSVK: Rishi Samskruti Vidya Kendra has adopted twelve villages around and cleaning is a major project taken up by us. SSY program is conducted for all the villagers and village students. This is a step towards Clean India Green India!

Street play on cleanliness

The reward of cleanliness is cleanliness itself. This thought echoed very loud and clear in a creative attempt made by the students of Gurukulam. It drove home the point that when aware individuals come together to make a difference, the result is there for the whole world to see! 

 The students proved that the dream of ‘Clean India’ can take the shape of physical reality with the help of dedicated efforts of a committed group.  Self inspired, the students of the Gurukulam took collective responsibility to raise consciousness of one and all through a Marathi musical street play.