Yoga day with INO

International Yoga Day , 21st June 2017 – Shri Narendra Modi,  our honored Prime Minister has declared this day as International Yoga Day, as it is  an equinox, ie, the day and night are of  equal duration and exactly  are of exactly 12 hours each. Yoga as we all know is very beneficial to one and all. 

We, at Katarkhadak, enjoyed creating awareness and celebrating this day on such a large scale. We are blessed to be associated with INO (International Naturopathy Organization) and Mrs. Renuka Vyas, the secretary of INO. We also had three Naturopathspecialists along with Mrs. Renuka Vyas – Dr Bharti Rathod (Gynecology), Mrs. Kalpana Tiwari  (Self-healing and massages) and Mrs. Pooja Mankar (detox and trainer  in self-massage by towel twisting).  We had total nine activities as of now, all full of practical tips and simple yet effective knowledge! 

Date: 21 June 17

Venue: Katarkhadak , Taluka Mulshi

Partners: INO

Coordinators: Bindu and Renuka

Participants: Mulshi residents

Material used: Naturopathy accessories, Speakers and mikes

Gratitude to: PujyaGuruji , Manojji and whole Rural development team!

Yoga day

The International Yoga day highlights the important role that yoga plays in healthy living.  This day aims to raise global awareness about the myriad benefits of practicing Yoga. It is an occasion that inspires children to make Yoga a part of their daily regime.Pranayam and Meditation is also taught to them in our SSY program.

Offering of RSVK

On the occasion of Yoga Day, Yoga trainers of Rishi Gurukulam took the opportunity to conduct a Yoga workshop for village students.  This was conducted on the school village ground. Every year we plan to include more and more villages and create awareness of the need to adopt yoga for a longer, happier life.