Children SSY in Rural School

‘A child is the tomorrow of today.’ We thought of helping children shape their tomorrows by helping them create their todays. Two Children SSY classes were conducted for a batch of 50 students of Andhale village school and 25 school students of Khamboli village.


A complete package for all round development, the programmer aimed at creating world leaders with increased awareness about health-physical and mental- and improved concentration and memory.

offering of RSVK


Our teachers Dinesh ji and Prabhakar ji groomed children through fun activities like drama, songs, bhajans, fun club and art. We provided resource material for various activities. This was for 60 students totally from Aandhale and Khamboli.

Visit to Shindoli Village

‘Each time we get closer to the heart of a common man, we get closer to the soul of our vision.’Our visit to Shindoli village was an extension of this very gesture. Shindoli, the last village in the Pune district, is a beautiful village surrounded by water bodies on 3 sides with only one road connecting it to other villages.

We at RSVK believe that there’s only one road that connects us to others and that’s of compassion and love. Ashok, an aeronautical engineer who has adopted 21 children of the school and dedicated his entire life for the welfare of the village took us around to meet the village folk.We had the opportunity to interact with the school children who greeted us with flowers and songs. We distributed slippers, pencil pouches and sweaters to 153 students of the school. Manojji’s friends collected donation with which we donated 3 computer tables and 6 chairs to the school.

Learning made fun for Rural kids

More than 500 students across 3 schools in Mulshi valley benefitted from the Mobile Bus that was sent all the  way by Maa Foundation, the social aspect of Merilife that has been catering to about 250 Rural schools. The students enjoyed handling projects and models. They were shown Science shows. Mathematics games helped them refine their mathematical ability. Geography, Science and other subjects gained in meaning and value even more after this experience. The concepts became clearer and the children happier. Learning couldn’t have been more fun!

We invited Maa Foundation to bring their mobile AV Room to Rajgurunagar. Mohan Bhandhari the owner of Merilife graced us with his presence.

Date: 20 Feb to 22 Feb 2018.


Venue: Mulshi Valley.


Coordinators: Rural Team


Participants: Mulshi valley ZP school students.


Material used: Science teaching aids.


Gratitude to: Pujya Guruji , Manojji and whole Rural development team!

Education on wheels

We happily played host to the Mobile Bus cum A V Room sent for our Gurukulam students by Maa Foundation, the social wing of Merilife. Maa Foundation has been catering to  around 250 Rural schools across  Valsad and Vapi in Gujarat and are known for their philanthropic work in the area of education ranging from providing facilities to Career guidance. More than  across grade 4 to 10 availed  of this  rare opportunity. Science shows and projects pertaining to their syllabus kept them fruitfully busy. Abstract concepts turned concrete. Playing with the educational models was a joyful experience. Maths games helped clarify basic concepts. We didn’t ask our students how they liked   the experience as their smiles said it all!

We invited Maa Foundation to share their knowledge with our students. We are grateful to Meryl Life and Maa Foundation for this benevolent gesture.

Date: 20 Feb 2018.

Venue: Rishi Gurukulam, Katarkhadak hills.

Coordinators: Rural team and Rishi Gurukulam team.

Participants: Rishi Gurukulam students.

Material used: Science teaching aids.


Gratitude to: Pujya Guruji ,Manoj ji, Maa Foundation and whole Rural development team!

Inauguration of SSY Ananda Kendra

We commemorated Guruji’s  Aradhana Day with the manifestation  of a lovingly cherished vision- the inauguration of the Anand Kendra. If Rural development is the soul of Guruji’s vision, Anand Kendra is its body.


Guruji’ s mother Ramadevi  Amma, Guruji’s wife Arundhati Ma and Guruji’s son Siddhant did the  honours. They were joined by Radha Ma and Jayram ji from USA, Gurukulam teachers, students and the  Rural team.

The Kendra will be the focal point for all future activities of SSY such as SSY, ISP, MOG, etc. The Rural development team shared their forthcoming programs and plans. Students sang melodious songs. It was an evening that will remain as the most fruitful one in our memory banks.

Date: 16 Feb 2018.

Venue: Kendra, Katharkhadak Village.

Coordinators: Rural team.

Participants: Residents of Rishi Gurukulam and villagers.


Gratitude to: Pujya Guruji ,Manojji and whole Rural development team!

Clean India Programme

Gearing up for the inauguration of Anand Kendra, on the eve of Guruji’s Aradhana Day, our Gurukulam students and residents decided to clean the Katarkhadak village. The activity brought the students closer to nature and they basked in the  satisfaction of making a positive difference in their immediate environs. Feeling for nature in general and trees in particular is an opportunity our Gurukulam kids rarely miss.

offering of RSVK


We inspired our Gurukulam students to contribute their bit towards Clean India Campaign. An endeavor to help our students experience Godliness.

Janardhan Malpote

Name : Name: Janardhan Malpote ​

Age: 30 Year

Village: Katarkhadak

Mobile No. : 8796171809



I always wanted to have a business, but could never start due to financial constraints and lack of guidance and knowledge about business. So, I took up a job to support my family.

I joined the office of RSVK/SSY in Rishi Gurukulam School. There I did the SSY program. It has benefited me tremendously in all areas of life, physical, emotional and professional.

I have cured my high blood sugar & reduced its level by 60% though pranayama and meditation, taught in SSY program. There has been a tremendous increase in my potential and self-confidence too.

My family also did the SSY program this year. Thereafter, the environment in my house is very joyous peaceful. I have enrolled my son in Rishi Gurukulam.

Just by being in SSY culture, I have improved my English. I have also done professional insights program here. It has provided me the expertise and the confidence to start my own business.

I started my business last year of supplying vegetables to Rishi Gurukulam and Ashram and also to some hotels. It is expanding by leaps and bounds. Within one year, I was even able to purchase my own tempo for delivery.

SSY has given me many opportunities in life. I have attended teacher training course in Bangalore with Guruji. I also got to attend training session in Farming.  As I am a farmer too, it was big step and for me.

SSY has even decorated my courtyard with Warli painting along with courtyards of several others under its Beautification of Village plan.

I am also beneficiary of their clean India project, wherein they constructed toilet blocks in 20 houses in our village, including my house.


I am eternally grateful to them for enriching my & my family’s life.

Rupali Malpote

Name :Rupali Malpote

Age : 20 Year

Village: Katarkhadak

Mobile No. : 9762424243


Due to financial constraints, my family was not allowing me to do my further studies after 12th.

I was very keen to study further my neighbour Janardhan, who is connected with SSY, asked me to contact SSY for help.

On approaching SSY, they happily contributed for my annual fees of college. I am very grateful to SSY and team for supporting me & helping me to complete my degree so that I can grow in my life and can get a good job.

Thank you and in gratitude to SSY.

Magic Of Gratitude

Joining us in our vision of connecting with the  rural folk and getting closer to their  hearts is  Bilcare India who supported us in conducting MOG sessions for Principals and staff of Village Zilla Parishad schools. Two workshops for two days benefitted more than 40 participants who look forward to taking it  in their schools for students and  their parents.

We have adopted 10 Village Zilla Parishad schools impacting 1500 students in Rajgurunagar where the Bilcare India plant is located. We also plan to conduct children’s SSY and Adult SSY for students and their parents respectively. Care to Share!

Date: 5th 6th Feb


Venue: Bilcare.


Coordinators: Bindu  and Narendra


Participants: 40


Material used: teaching aids


Gratitude to: Pujya Guruji ,Manoj ji and whole Rural development team!