Rural children visit Gurukulam

Having embarked on a journey from self-development to Global development through Children’s SSY, Khamboli and Andhale village school kids visited their Gurukulam counterparts. This std.1 to 4 village school students shared their takeaways from the SSY programmer in their last session which was held at Gurukulam itself. Theinteraction between the future world leaders was a sight to behold. And we are more than happy to be a part of this metamorphosis.

Our SSY teachers Prabhakarji and Dinesh who led the session arranged for the  visit to the  Gurukulam and the rendezvous with the students.

Children SSY in Rural School

‘A child is the tomorrow of today.’ We thought of helping children shape their tomorrows by helping them create their todays. Two Children SSY classes were conducted for a batch of 50 students of Andhale village school and 25 school students of Khamboli village.


A complete package for all round development, the programmer aimed at creating world leaders with increased awareness about health-physical and mental- and improved concentration and memory.

offering of RSVK


Our teachers Dinesh ji and Prabhakar ji groomed children through fun activities like drama, songs, bhajans, fun club and art. We provided resource material for various activities. This was for 60 students totally from Aandhale and Khamboli.

Magic Of Gratitude

Joining us in our vision of connecting with the  rural folk and getting closer to their  hearts is  Bilcare India who supported us in conducting MOG sessions for Principals and staff of Village Zilla Parishad schools. Two workshops for two days benefitted more than 40 participants who look forward to taking it  in their schools for students and  their parents.

We have adopted 10 Village Zilla Parishad schools impacting 1500 students in Rajgurunagar where the Bilcare India plant is located. We also plan to conduct children’s SSY and Adult SSY for students and their parents respectively. Care to Share!

Date: 5th 6th Feb


Venue: Bilcare.


Coordinators: Bindu  and Narendra


Participants: 40


Material used: teaching aids


Gratitude to: Pujya Guruji ,Manoj ji and whole Rural development team!

Daily Energy session

Food for the soul is as vital as food for the body. Our invaluable supporters and helpers of the village team, right from housekeeping staff to cooks, drivers, admin staff, in-house carpenters, plumbers, Nursery , etc. take a daily bite into these Recharger sessions. These rejuvenating sessions include prayers, inspirational talks and videos. Small portions of values on a daily basis help the villagers experience inner growth, peace and happiness. This gradually transforms into their lives and manifests in their dealings with their loved ones , bringing more harmony in their outer world.

Offering of RSVK

A group of teachers, trainers takes daily sessions for this group.  Various trainers, speakers and teachers contribute on a variety of topics. This keeps them stress free, energizes them and makes them happy for no reason. They grow in self-love and their self-esteem rises.

Gratitude session

Gratitude is the highest virtue to live by.The magic of spreading this workshop has become much easier.Anyone and everyone can be trained to take this workshop.The trainers go house to house with a recorded session. They can play and pause it and make it interactive too.So everywhere this knowledge can be easily spread. All you need is the will to do it.

Offering of RSVK

The rural development team which actually belongs to the villages is trained to take this workshop. They go from door to door, make batches of four to six people and conduct this simply transforming session. Wow! Soon this is spreading like wild fire.

Distribution of clothes

We welcomed the birth of life, with the warmth of our love wrapped in the gift of clothes for the new born. Our team visited the Municipal hospital located at Mann, Mulshi Taluka, and distributed 35 sets of warm clothes to the new born baby girls. A message to cherish and celebrate the coming of a girl child. And, making it a practice, we intend to do so whenever a girl child is born here.

Offering of RSVK

Warm clothes are being distributed by us since past several years to the villagers in Taluka Mulshi , especially to children. This time we did it specifically for the new born baby girls. The hospital authorities & the staff highly appreciated our initiative and actively participated in the same. The families of the babies were over whelmed at our gesture.

SSY Khamboli

SSY program in schools is one of the wonderful activities we do for child development. The energy created by the SSY is channelized to raise their consciousness, take leadership, take responsibility not only of self, village, or nation, but of the entire world. To maintain this energy further we conduct advance SSY sessions on weekly basis.

Offering of RSVK

Taking up the responsibility of nurturing the students through SSY program and value based education. Keeping them energized by weekly follow up with advanced sessions of SSY sessions.

SSY Katarkhadak

A new batch of SSY program is being held at Katarkhadak Village. It’s gratifying to have 25 villagers enrolled for this SSY batch, at a time when the rice ploughing season is in full swing and the villagers are extremely busy for the entire month, tending to their fields.

Also, the villagers now very fondly offer their houses to conduct these classes.

Offering of RSVK

Thank you Guruji for the gift of SSY, which connects us to the heart of common man. Thank you Rural Development Team for enrolling and successfully conducting these SSY programs.

SSY Aandhale

In our endeavor to empower rural India, we are continuously reaching out to different villages with our enriching SSY program. And we have now successfully added Aandhale village in our fold. For the first time, Aandhale village hosted SSY program for the villagers with a batch of 19 people. Already, in Khamboli village, there’s an SSY program being conducted with 32 villagers.  At Katarkhadak, we recently completed an SSY batch for villagers. Also, our ‘Clean India Mission’ is being incorporated in the program by creating awareness & showing the villagers, the video –  ‘ The Cleanest Village of India’, along with SSY program. It is an initiative to inspire them and raise their consciousness, so that they are open to ‘Clean India Mission’ and work towards making it a reality of their own accord.

Offering of RSVK

Thank you Guruji for blessing us with SSY knowledge, and a system to build a team of dedicated SSY teachers to offer this knowledge to one and all.  Thank you for giving us insight into the ‘Clean India Mission.’

SSY at Pimpoli

Guruji says whenever we touch the soul of a common man, we get closer to our vision the vision to create happiness, leadership and healthy India – An India, which is much more aware and at a higher consciousness. Yes, SSY is the way. Thank you Guruji for designing this wonderful gift – the gift of this scientific systematic approach to touch lives.

Pimpoli village women were enrolled into SSY by showing them an introduction of this program.The batch was conducted in the village and the initiation in the SSY Aashram.

Date: 16 Aug 2017

Venue: Pimpoli

Teacher/Trainer: Dipesh

Coordinators: Manisha and Alok.

Participants: 12

Material used: SSY Literature, speakers & mike etc