For The Fun Games

Rural team organizes outdoor games for school kids who enjoyed playing kabbadi, kho- kho, cricket, wrestling, etc. The leisure time is now used fruitfully by these 1st to 7th grade students


thus channelizing their energy towards more healthy activities. Consequently, their health has improved, energy levels enhanced and immunity developed.

offering of RSVK


Our Rural team member, Subhash Malpote, trains the kids of Khamboli, Katarkhadak, Aandhale and Jawal villages. These outdoor activities are now a regular feature. 


A Health and Hygiene Camp was organized for students in the rural schools of Katarkhadak, Khamboli, Andhale and Jawal.

The camp included information on importance of maintaining hygiene and its connection with health. Ways of maintaining hygiene.



Practical day to day tips were given with regards to use of towels, soap, water, etc. Other personal hygiene pointers were also mentioned. 


October brought festivities and also a lot of fun with it as our rural school students engaged in making dandiya for Navratri celebrations. These kids from grade 1 to 5 from Khamboli, Aandhale, Pimpoli, Jawal and Katarkhadak villages learnt to decorate wooden sticks, newspaper rolls and make dandiyas. Fancy lace and colorful cloth adorned these beautiful handmade dandiyas. The aim was to develop their creative faculty

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Our Rural team under the guidance of Mrs. Seema Kamble and Manisha Shinde conducted art class for school students on 12th and 15th October. This was followed by Navratri celebrations.

For the love of sports…..

‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ goes the old saying. We decided to brighten up the daily routine of our rural school going kids with some games and fun. We have introduced Outdoor and Indoor games sessions for 4 rural schools with a games teacher. We have started with  indoor games such as Chess,  Ludo, Snakes and Ladder,  Carrom, etc. in the monsoons. Enroute this fun filled journey is kinesthic development that will help children in the long run.

We have appointed a Sports sir, Subhashji who trains children in sports. We have also provided various sports equipment’s.

International Yoga day celebrations

Creating awareness about the importance of Yoga on 20th, 21st and 22nd June, 2018. 

70 residents of Katarkhadak village, 200 villagers from Khamboli village,  20 students and teachers of Jawal  village whereas 100 students and teachers of Rishi Gurukulam availed of this opportunity to learn basic asanas and understand the importance of Yoga Day.


We were fortunate to help the entrepreneurs who attended the scope camp during the same period by sharing the knowledge of basic asanas with them too.

The activity was backed by INO, International Naturopathy Organisation. Renuka, the Secretary of INO, headed this activity. She was accompanied by our Rural Development team 

Bin it

As part of our Clean India, Green India initiative, we installed two garbage bins in Jawal village.

One in the chowk  area and the other near the temple. Villagers are happy to have this. They have started using these bins.


Knowledge about garbage collection and disposal formed the part of the awareness program.  Thus inspired all the residents of Javal village and help them to take the responsibility.


offering of RSVK


Our Rural Development team helped in installing the bins. And creating awareness on the same. 

Distribution Tiffin Boxes

We packed little happiness in colorful tiffin boxes which were distributed to Anganwadi and Primary school students on the eve of 69th Republic day. 36 Children of Jawal village now carry their snacks from home to school and back home from Anganwadi in these boxes.


offering of RSVK


We provided attractive, sturdy tiffin boxes to make things easier and eating a joyful experience for these children.  It’s a great experience to have meditators support these activities!

Blanket distribution

Love is a warm blanket and we grabbed the opportunity to wrap the underprivileged in the warmth of our love by distributing blankets. The joy of bringing warm sunshine in their lives brought immense satisfaction to our meditator who initiated this kind gesture. Deprived of proper homes, these villagers are now willing to undergo various programs we wish to offer. Specially skills in making them self-reliant and creating their own ideal world.

offering of RSVK


The help was extended to adivasis of Jawal and Dhangarwadi villages. We are now ready to impart necessary skills to help them earn their living.

Techno Savvy India!

As part of our mission to make Ruraltechno savvy, we extended support by conducting basic Computer Operations sessions for the students of grades 8th, 9th and 10th of Jawal village. These youngsters with the help of practical experience of operating computers are now equipped with confidence in handling technology. 

offering of RSVK


We arranged computer laboratory with computers. The session conducted by Alok provided much needed exposure to these rural adolescents with hands on training.

Bappa distributes the books

Shri Krishna Vyayam Mandal, Shukrvarpet, Pune, came up with this unique idea. On the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi, they decide to offer Ganpati Bappa study kits of four books, pen, pencil, scale, eraser and sharpener, so that the kits can be later distributed to needy children. The idea was that the children, instead of feeling proud for giving it as charity, were in gratitude for making an offering to Ganapati Bappa. This offering later was distributed in the rural India.

Offering of RSVK

We helped these brilliant brains meet the right set of children who would use this books and stationery kit for their education.188 such sets were distributed in four village schools in four villages. Children were delighted to receive these study kits. Teachers of the school assured us, to make best use of the books for the academics of the students.