SSY story books

Once upon a time……..’  is music to ears not just for kids but grown ups as well.  We, at RSVK, believe in making learning fun and interesting for kids. And this time, we decided to let the princes, the fairies and the little angels give wings to their imagination and creativity.

Offering of RSVK

We distributed  Marathi story books to children  of Jawal village who  were thrilled to receive them……A humble  step to usher them into a fantasy land where there is so much to learn…  imbibe…to emulate….

Featuring in Apeksha magazine

Apeksha, a local magazine in the Mulshi Taluka, recognized and brought into light our activities conducted in the local area. It was a happy moment for us when our efforts were recognized by the magazine that featured an article on our Jawal village school Kendra. The clay work activity and the exposure given to school children through various activities conducted by our Aananda Kendra finds a special mention in the article.

We are in gratitude to the Jawal school, teachers and children for giving us an opportunity to make a positive difference. And of course, we are grateful to Apeksha magazine for seeing greatnessin all.

Offering of RSVK

Successfully running SSY Aananda Kendras in Taluka Mulshi villages

Manojji’s visit

One question that is worth asking oneself is that how can I serve others more? An extension of this query was Manoj ji’s visit to the villages from Jawalgaon to Katarkhadak village school.  The tour was totally focused on the ongoing projects of RSVK and what more can be done to make life more comfortable for the rural folk. The ways to inspire and include more and more people was also reflected upon.

The visit was a learning experience for us as well. The villagers who were in deep gratitude for the projects and resources offered taught us the value of gratitude.

Offering of RSVK

When beautiful people meet beautiful things happen. A discussion of Manojji with the school authorities and important people of the villages, interested in village growth, turned out to be extremely fruitful. Magic of Gratitude workshop is already being offered to them. Some tips for enhancing playful learning were also shared.

Students had a great time being with Manojji and they got easily connected to him owing to his childlike playful nature.  Singing prayers, rhymes with drama and action and a Marathi prayer helped build an amazing rapport with the children.

Freedom club

The Child’s mind is the most fertile resource. Hence planting moral values is of immense importance. We, at RSVK, believe in developing individuals with strength of character by catching them young. Children’s SSY, Advanced SSY, Fun Club, ISP are some of the tools that help us in our journey. And what we get out of these playful and interactive sessions is a band of future citizens who set a bench mark of a developed head, heart and mind.

Offering of RSVK

Inspire every individual to imbibe values such as truth, love, peace, responsibility, acceptance, leadership & integrity.  Sports and adventure is a part this fun teaching –learning process.

Books distribution

Books are uniquely portable magic.’ And we decided to create this magic for our village children, youth and women by distributing books. In collaboration with CAN, an NGO that connected with us on this project, we gifted books to students and women whom we interact with on a daily basis under our character building and leadership and women empowerment programs respectively.

Offering of RSVK

Rishi SamskruthiVidhya Kendra collected the books from CAN organization and shouldered the responsibility of distributing it those interested.