Vaishnavi Khengare, last year graduation student from Katarkhadak village, has taken the initiative to help other village girls acquire English speaking skills. These Higher Secondary pass outs who wish to pursue bachelor’s degree attend Zoom sessions specially organized for them by us for a smooth English class. Vaishnavi aids them in picking up functional English-speaking skills.

We are extremely grateful to HERE Solutions India Pvt LTD to help us in our vision to empower women in all walks of their life.

New skills …New medium… New beginnings!

offering of RSVK

 Our Rural team member, Rafik provides technical support and guidance to the girls to help them fulfill their dream of learning English. He arranges a Zoom meeting and has made them techno savvy in handling this new medium of learning.


We steered our Project,

Kamakhya towards its second phase- ‘Experience’.

As an important part of Menstrual Hygiene, we distributed 140 Menstrual Hygiene kits with handmade cotton cloth sanitary napkins made by women in Ahmedabad. They were also offered a washing soap, string to dry, clothes peg and washing bowl to maintain hygiene. The women recipients of Pimpoli village were explained the importance of weaning themselves off the synthetic napkins.

offering of RSVK


 Our Rural Development team   encouraged the rural women to open about their challenges in menstruation and talk to the Gynecologist doctor, our Rural Development team member. The women in the next phase of the project will eventually be taught to make their own sanitary napkins and sell the excess ones to gain financial independence.



‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give’. In keeping with these lines of Winston Churchill, we collaborated with Kanan Patel and Group from Pune to offer a monthly pack of grocery to 21 Adivasi families of Jawal village. We are extremely grateful to our Village friends for giving us the opportunity to share our love with them during Covid times. 

offering of RSVK


 Our rural team coordinated with Kanan Patel group and 21 families from the Jawal village to give the rural folk a reason to smile.

Children SSY at Khamboli

The children of Khamboli village were gifted Children SSY.  The programme inspired the children to see their own inherent greatness and greatness around them. Raw food, pranayama and meditation being the main features, the programme aimed at building responsible world citizens. Students relished the Prasad offered after each session and loved making charts with positive affirmations.  

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Our SSY teachers and Volunteers, Sarita, Dipesh, Shailesh, Bindu, Kapil, Rajesh, Shri, Krish committed to the mission conducted the SSY class. A one-day retreat will soon follow.

Motherhood & Fearless Fatherhood/Yes Parenting

An ISP (Infant Siddha Program) session was conducted for rural parents. The sessions were a prelude to happy parenting days. Aimed at parents of children from 0-7 yrs., the program aids in providing the child conducive environment for all round growth.



One of the participants, Mrs. Seema Kamble, a ZP school teacher,  practiced one of the applications of ISP on her students  and reported,” Earlier the  students were disinterested in learning new English words. But with flash cards as a ‘Fluent forever’ technique I learnt in the ISP session, I have noticed that the student engagement has gone up and they are a happy bunch of motivated learners now.”

The rural participants immediately applied some tools like Sleep talk, flash cards transforming themselves into ‘Yes ‘ parents.

offering of RSVK


Mrs. Shilpa Kshirsagar , our rural  team member, resolved the  queries  of inquisitive  parents. The parents were more than happy to receive this easy to apply knowledge for making learning quick, fun and long lasting.

Workout For Mind, Body And Spirit

We conducted SSY sessions for 21 rural participants of Katarkhadak village. This total health management program brought out the best in the participants by giving them enough food for mind, body and spirit.



The participants ruminated on the knowledge given and reported a positive change in their attitude. Appreciating this life enhancement programme, Miss. Kaajal Malpute confessed, “I was very diffident about my entrepreneurship skills. The program has given a new confidence to take up a new project.”


offering of RSVK


We Our rural team member, Mrs. Shilpa Kshirsagar along with Rambhai and Hemali conducted the sessions.

Tip Tap Toe

Little dancing feet of our ZP school students left us mesmerized when we organized a classical dance workshop for them. The students made the most of the limited resources and unlimited enthusiasm. Giving their 100%, they displayed extraordinary talent in learning to dance on a Marathi devotional number.



Such dance workshops that are on their way to becoming a regular feature in ZP Schools are enjoyed thoroughly by the simple rural kids of Khamboli, Katarkhadak, Jawal and Aandhale.

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 We invited Miss Neha Nalawade, a Bharatnatyam dancer, to conduct the workshop.

Gaming Zone

On 26th January, 2019, we made the best move ever by introducing indoor games such as Chess and Carom in ZP School at Khamboli village. The said games have given much needed mental and emotional workout to these rural kids. The enthusiasts now play these games adhering to the rules while having oodles of fun.




Enrooted this journey of mental and emotional workout, the children have evolved much more patient and calm learning to plan and strategize.

We provided Carom board and Chess board sets. We arranged for a session explaining rules of the two games.

Choosing Gratitude

We helped our rural brethren count their blessings with the MOG (Magic of Gratitude) programme. Their hearts overflowing with thankfulness, made peace with their past and present for a brighter, happier future.



Subhash Malpute, one of the participants, shared, “I was not on speaking terms with one of my relatives. Thanks to the MOG programme it gave me the much needed courage to break the ice after so many years and get reconnected with the same affection.”

offering of RSVK


Our rural team members,  Shilpa Kshirsagar and Dipesh  conducted the  session successfully with positive tangible  results.