SSY Jawal

After SSY introduction program in Jawal Gaon and consistent follow ups, and opening of Aananda Kendra in Jawal Gaon, the receptivity of the villagers have increased manifold.

A group of 30 people enjoyed the learning’s and energy created by SSY! It’s all about leadership & happiness.

Also, this village ranks number one in this vibhag (Division) for growing vegetables!  This was achieved by the hard work of Alok of our Rural Development Team, who researched into this and relentlessly worked with the villagers, sharing his findings, motivating them & solving their agriculture related problems. In deep gratitude to Guruji.

Offering of RSVK

Creating awareness and enrolling villagers for the SSY introduction program. This benefits them in all areas of their lives.

Educational tour and trekking

We arranged a rendezvous of the village students with nature by taking them on a nature trail. First – hand experience of consciously being in nature and along with it helped develop empathy and oneness. Children were filled with gratitude for the generosity of nature and its bounties in the form of mighty mountains, babbling rivers, fluffy clouds, chirpy birds, lush greenery and the heaven of the open blue sky. Spending time in the lap of nature and having food under the canopy of their new friends, the trees, was one of the rare pleasures the children will cherish for a lifetime.

Exposing village students to such fun- filled group activities is a unique experience. Students of Katarkhadak village were taken on a trek to Katarkhadak hills along with Rajesh sir, Amol, Rafik and Alok.


The Retreat, after SSY is a treat for the mind, body and soul. The villagers experienced the highest form of bliss through meticulously designed processes. A paradoxical experience that brings freedom through bonding, bestows a sense of moodiness in everybodiess and gives a reason to be happy without a reason. The participants returned after unwrapping the gift of life, taking it on with a cheerful grin.

Offering of RSVK

Villagers stayed at the Katarkhadak ashram for the Retreat and experienced silence that seeing godliness in everything around brings.

Aanganwadi teachers isp

Character -building is always a work in progress! But it begins right from infancy. Handling children skillfully right from childhood calls for a lot of awareness.  ISP –Infant SSY program is an experiential workshop that guides parents and teachers to bring about overall balanced development of a child covering their Physical, Mental, Social, Emotional and Spiritual faculties. 

Earlier Aanganwadi teachers experienced stress and put in efforts without expected results as they lacked awareness. Their raw approach and corporal punishment failed to get them desired results.

Offering of RSVK

Rishi SamskruthiVidhya Kendra created awareness of this program and enrolled parents and teachers of the aanganwadi to experience ease while dealing with children. We conducted training and also provided necessary skills in the area of parenting and teaching. Currently we have trained 38 aanganwadi teachers which directly impacts 16000 children below 6 years. The program continues to touch lives of children, parents and teachers making learning, teaching and parenting a joyful experience.

Parent’s meet

A child gives birth to a parent.’ Parenting is an art that needs to be cultivated. We guide parents in their journey of bringing up their children in the most effective yet effortless way. Value education being the most important aspect of our guidance, we help parents realize the inherent greatness in their children.

Offering of RSVK

Provide a platform for bringing parents and children together, focusing on character development through examples set by Jijamata (Shivaji’s mother).

Children SSY

A seed has everything in it to create a thousand forests. All it requires is a consider environment for growth. Taking this forward, a Freedom Club has been set up for children from grade 1 across grade 7. The purpose is to create an environment for children to realize the importance of values in the most friendly and enjoyable way. The program acts as a launch pad for children to realize their inner greatness and express it in their day –to – day dealings with others. This play-way method of value inculcation borrows from techniques of Children SSY program. It inspires every child to shine his light by displaying values such as Truth, Love, Peace, Responsibility, Acceptance, Leadership and Integrity.

Offering of RSVK

Rishi Samskruthi Vidya Kendra in association with Bilcare Research could offer this wonderful experience to the children and conduct children SSY program for them. This helps us expand our reach to places beyond Mulshi area and everywhere around India.

SSY at Katarkhadak village

Science of Silence Yoga (SSY) is a program to catapult a person into higher state of conscious living. The program addresses cleansing of our five sheaths- (physical, Life –Energy, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual) so that a person’s natural joyousness can be expressed on a day to day basis.

Rishi Samskruthi Vidhya Kendra is conducting these programs for the villagers. They come together and undergo this program .It gives them an opportunity to empower themselves with a vision for their ideal world and the realize their ability to create it. This batch consisted of 26 women and 14 men.

Infant Sidha program

The art of parenting program is conducted for parents in villages which gives them a totally new dimension to happy and joyous parenting. Educating them on how the upbringing impacts an individual. And giving them easy effective tips and ways to deal with routine challenges related to parenting. The focus is on character building of the child in a joyous effortless ways.

Offering of RSVK

ISP programs are offered to all the parents and to enroll them. Fun based drama and street plays are conducted to give them the importance of undergoing this program.