Computer Education

Khamboli village girls got an opportunity to equip themselves with new generation technology and computer education. The twice a week classes held for the girls introduced them to history of computers through a video presentation, hardware components through notes and MS office. The syllabus for the year is ready and so are the village girls and their parents to empower them with this new knowledge and help them handle computers efficiently.


offering of RSVK


Seema Kamble and Rafik, our Rural development team members have started conducting these classes from 18th September, 2018 onwards devoting 4 hours a week.


We organized a summer camp of computer training, especially for the teenager girls from Katarkhadak village. We conducted the computer class every day for 45 days. It was highly satisfying to see the excitement and zeal to learn in these girls.They would quickly finish their daily chores and come every afternoon for two hours to learn computers.

Date: Summer 2017

Venue: Katarkhadak

Teacher/Trainer: Rafik and Alok

Coordinators: Amol

Participants: 10

Material used: Computer

Gratitude to: PujyaGuruji , Manojji and whole Rural development team!

Computer for children

Advancement in information technology has revolutionized how we communicate and learn in every aspect of modern life. To catch them young , and to help rural children keep pace with  the rapidly changing times , RSVK offers free computer education by providing computers , teachers and practical experience in operating computers. Computers hold a special charm for the rural kids who make the most of the opportunity by exploring the world of computers.

Offering of RSVK

Rishi Samskruti Vidya Kendra offers free and special education to the village children through SSY Aananda Kendra. Children are provided with enough number of computers and given hands on training. A systematically designed syllabus takes care of the educational needs of the children.