Workout For Mind, Body And Spirit

We conducted SSY sessions for 21 rural participants of Katarkhadak village. This total health management program brought out the best in the participants by giving them enough food for mind, body and spirit.



The participants ruminated on the knowledge given and reported a positive change in their attitude. Appreciating this life enhancement programme, Miss. Kaajal Malpute confessed, “I was very diffident about my entrepreneurship skills. The program has given a new confidence to take up a new project.”


offering of RSVK


We Our rural team member, Mrs. Shilpa Kshirsagar along with Rambhai and Hemali conducted the sessions.

Mehendi Classes

Khamboli village girls received training in Mehendi application from their counterparts in Katarkhadak village. These girls showed great enthusiasm in learning the skill.

offering of RSVK


Renuka Vyas, our Rural development team member took the initiative to conduct training for more than 60 village girls. The aim is to help the girls learn socially productive skills. The village temple offered itself for this activity. 

Natures Cure

On the eve of Naturopathy Day, more than 150 villagers from Khamboli and Katarkhadak villages availed of the naturopathy health camp. Organized by the Rural team, the camp was a success. Especially as many health related queries were resolved and a healthy natural lifestyle involving Pranayam, natural food, yoga and mud therapy was propagated.


                A physically challenged girl responded well to tyevtratment and will continue to receive treatment.

offering of RSVK


Our Rural team member, Dr. Renuka Vyas along with 10 doctors from Mumbai led the camp.


A Health and Hygiene Camp was organized for students in the rural schools of Katarkhadak, Khamboli, Andhale and Jawal.

The camp included information on importance of maintaining hygiene and its connection with health. Ways of maintaining hygiene.



Practical day to day tips were given with regards to use of towels, soap, water, etc. Other personal hygiene pointers were also mentioned. 


October brought festivities and also a lot of fun with it as our rural school students engaged in making dandiya for Navratri celebrations. These kids from grade 1 to 5 from Khamboli, Aandhale, Pimpoli, Jawal and Katarkhadak villages learnt to decorate wooden sticks, newspaper rolls and make dandiyas. Fancy lace and colorful cloth adorned these beautiful handmade dandiyas. The aim was to develop their creative faculty

offering of RSVK


Our Rural team under the guidance of Mrs. Seema Kamble and Manisha Shinde conducted art class for school students on 12th and 15th October. This was followed by Navratri celebrations.


‘Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.’ We decided to go by this and organized a trip for our aspiring rural entrepreneur girls to Mumbai on 7th September, 2018. A hands-on experience in purchasing beauty products and other raw materials from buyers, learning about bulk purchase, wholesale prices, getting the best at the lowest price, fixing up the selling price, etc. Were the highlights of the 2 day visit to the Mumbai Crawford market. 

We let the girls also take a dip into the enjoyment the city offers by taking them for Mumbai Darshan to Mumbadevi temple, Babulnath temple, Hajj Ali Dargah , Bandra-Worli Sealink, Jehangir Art Gallery, Marine Drive, Lion’s Gate, A to Z, TOI, etc.

offering of RSVK


Our Rural Development team member, Renuka Vyas led the trip with 13 girls from the village.  The visit aimed at refining entrepreneurship skills among these girls and equips them to start their new business.


‘The best way to predict your future is to create it.’


We extended a helping hand to the youth of Katarkhadak, Andhale, Khamboli and other villages to create theirs through the Total Success Development Workshop. It was divided into section A and B. The main aim of the workshop is to enhance entrepreneurship skills and to encourage one to start on own. It also focuses on leadership and ways to expand business. Section A was attended by 18 rural men.

Dipesh Suryavanshi conducted the workshop on 12th and 19th August, 2018.

For the love of sports…..

‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ goes the old saying. We decided to brighten up the daily routine of our rural school going kids with some games and fun. We have introduced Outdoor and Indoor games sessions for 4 rural schools with a games teacher. We have started with  indoor games such as Chess,  Ludo, Snakes and Ladder,  Carrom, etc. in the monsoons. Enroute this fun filled journey is kinesthic development that will help children in the long run.

We have appointed a Sports sir, Subhashji who trains children in sports. We have also provided various sports equipment’s.

International Yoga day celebrations

Creating awareness about the importance of Yoga on 20th, 21st and 22nd June, 2018. 

70 residents of Katarkhadak village, 200 villagers from Khamboli village,  20 students and teachers of Jawal  village whereas 100 students and teachers of Rishi Gurukulam availed of this opportunity to learn basic asanas and understand the importance of Yoga Day.


We were fortunate to help the entrepreneurs who attended the scope camp during the same period by sharing the knowledge of basic asanas with them too.

The activity was backed by INO, International Naturopathy Organisation. Renuka, the Secretary of INO, headed this activity. She was accompanied by our Rural Development team 

Marathon…… Chasing dreams!

The hills beckoned us and we ran to their call. Winding their through the lush green valley,  Rishi Gurukulam students, teachers, parents  along with 13  Village  school students and  runners from Striders group participated in the Varsha Marathon held on ………..2018. Students ran a good 6km while others completed the Marathon as part of our ‘Clean India, Green India Campaign.’

We made arrangements for the Marathon with refreshments in between. Children were gifted beautiful tiffin boxes with healthy breakfast.