Distribution of warm clothes

Benevolence keeps the warmth among brethren alive. The weather at Katarkhadak and neighboring villages demands warm clothes for six months in a year.

As a tangible expression of our love for the villagers, we distributed warm clothes during the winters to young and old alike.

These thoughtful gifts changed hands, passing on from those who wish to share their abundance with the needy.

Offering of RSVK

Rishi SamskrithiVidya Kendra serves as a link between those who wish to share their abundance and passion in various areas and all those who require and receive it with lots of gratitude. The activity, conducted on Indian Republic Day, added to the patriotic fervor weaving everyone together in the fabric of love and compassion.

SSY at Katarkhadak village

Science of Silence Yoga (SSY) is a program to catapult a person into higher state of conscious living. The program addresses cleansing of our five sheaths- (physical, Life –Energy, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual) so that a person’s natural joyousness can be expressed on a day to day basis.

Rishi Samskruthi Vidhya Kendra is conducting these programs for the villagers. They come together and undergo this program .It gives them an opportunity to empower themselves with a vision for their ideal world and the realize their ability to create it. This batch consisted of 26 women and 14 men.

Computer for children

Advancement in information technology has revolutionized how we communicate and learn in every aspect of modern life. To catch them young , and to help rural children keep pace with  the rapidly changing times , RSVK offers free computer education by providing computers , teachers and practical experience in operating computers. Computers hold a special charm for the rural kids who make the most of the opportunity by exploring the world of computers.

Offering of RSVK

Rishi Samskruti Vidya Kendra offers free and special education to the village children through SSY Aananda Kendra. Children are provided with enough number of computers and given hands on training. A systematically designed syllabus takes care of the educational needs of the children.