Parent’s meet

A child gives birth to a parent.’ Parenting is an art that needs to be cultivated. We guide parents in their journey of bringing up their children in the most effective yet effortless way. Value education being the most important aspect of our guidance, we help parents realize the inherent greatness in their children.

Offering of RSVK

Provide a platform for bringing parents and children together, focusing on character development through examples set by Jijamata (Shivaji’s mother).

Medical camp

Good health has always topped the priority list at RSVK. In keeping with our vision of a healthy India, a medical camp was organized. A team of seven doctors and surgeons with expertise in their respective areas of health graced us with their presence and guidance. The beneficiaries were the villagers, students and all the employees of the Rishi Gurukulam project. The camp comprised of a routine check –up along with monitoring of   blood sugar and BP levels. An eye check –up coupled with ENT consultation marked the success of the program.

Offering of RSVK

Rishi Samskruthi Vidya Kendra hosted a meeting with doctors and surgeons who successfully created health awareness among the villagers and Gurukulam employees. 200 people were benefited by this camp. It was mainly aimed at making Katarkhadak village healthier and happier.

Children SSY

A seed has everything in it to create a thousand forests. All it requires is a consider environment for growth. Taking this forward, a Freedom Club has been set up for children from grade 1 across grade 7. The purpose is to create an environment for children to realize the importance of values in the most friendly and enjoyable way. The program acts as a launch pad for children to realize their inner greatness and express it in their day –to – day dealings with others. This play-way method of value inculcation borrows from techniques of Children SSY program. It inspires every child to shine his light by displaying values such as Truth, Love, Peace, Responsibility, Acceptance, Leadership and Integrity.

Offering of RSVK

Rishi Samskruthi Vidya Kendra in association with Bilcare Research could offer this wonderful experience to the children and conduct children SSY program for them. This helps us expand our reach to places beyond Mulshi area and everywhere around India.

Haldi Kum kum

Celebration is at the heart of all festivities in India. Haldi Kum kum is one such festival that has celebration at its core.It is a festival of the women, for the women, by the women. The village women and grown up girls of the village came together to celebrate ceremoniously. The traditional haldi and kumkum (Vermillion) was dabbed on the forehead – a mark of seeing Godliness in all.

Offering of RSVK

Rishi Samskruthi Vidya Kendra invited all the women of the village at both Katarkhadak and Aandhale village at the village temples. The traditional celebrations, gifts and fun along with the vision of women empowerment set the mood for festivities. Village women were made aware of the activities conducted under the banner of Women empowerment.

Street play on cleanliness

The reward of cleanliness is cleanliness itself. This thought echoed very loud and clear in a creative attempt made by the students of Gurukulam. It drove home the point that when aware individuals come together to make a difference, the result is there for the whole world to see! 

 The students proved that the dream of ‘Clean India’ can take the shape of physical reality with the help of dedicated efforts of a committed group.  Self inspired, the students of the Gurukulam took collective responsibility to raise consciousness of one and all through a Marathi musical street play.