BNI chapter (Titan)

It is said, ‘Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.’ Keeping this as a motto, BNI chapter (Titan) joined hands with RSVK in our vision for Women Empowerment at Katarkhadak village. The support came in form of four sewing machines along with tailoring kits for women and Naturopathy equipment like massage table, body steamers and Kati snan tub. The cloth bags tailored by the village women will serve the dual purpose of saving environment in addition to gifting them financial freedom. The Naturopathy and beauty treatment training, along with equipment, given to the village girls is helping them carve out a niche for themselves.  13 BNI personnel visited Katarkhadak to inaugurate this activity in the village. They enjoyed making cloth bags with village women and interacting with them. The women also enjoyed a head massage given by the village girls.

Offering of RSVK

Training women for the last four months and connecting with BNI to make our collective vision a reality.

Rains raincoats and plants

Let your heart melt this monsoon! Yes, the joy of sharing is so blissful! Children in villages go to school walking. And many of them have to walk miles. During the rains, if they have raincoats, it’s easier for them to walk and be dry for the whole day in the school. Yet, not to make any one just seekers of charity, even when we share our abundance, we link it with a higher purpose! So we linked this raincoats distribution with the Plantation drive. Every child was given two saplings, one of Amla and one of Jaamun. Children loved to receive the combination of both saplings and raincoats. Both the things made them equally happy! It was a heartwarming sight to see these children value the raincoats – the way they received it, tried it, folded it and were in gratitude.

Offering of RSVK

We distributed in four villages schools of Aandhale, Katarkhadak, Jawal and Khamboli. Total 200 raincoats, 400 saplings.

Varsha marathon

Varsha Marathon – running during monsoon, is an activity with a purpose. A purpose of togetherness, a cause of creating awareness towards nature.

Rishi Gurukulam children along with village children run in the Mulshi Taluka for 14 Kilometers. At the end of it all, rural and the urban kids bond with each other in loving togetherness.

Offering of RSVK

An activity to inspire students of Rishi Gurukulam and village students to run for a cause.

Organize it, coordinate it and make it happen.

Date: 23 July 17

Venue: Mulshi Valley

Teacher/Trainer: Rahul sir

Coordinators: Dipesh, Bindu and rural team

Participants: Katarkhadak and Khamboli village students

Gratitude to: PujyaGuruji , Manojji and whole Rural development team!

Plantation drive

A big thank you to Dr. Trupti Bobde, an active SSY meditator, for adding fuel tour burning desire of painting the mountains green. 

We met the Minister of Finance and Forest of Maharashtra, Shri Sudhirji M for his support for our cause. He assured his full cooperation and appreciated us for our ‘Green India Mission’. Meeting the Forest Minister in the forest nursery of our village was an interesting experience!  We are also grateful to INO (International Naturopathy Organization) for lending us their support.

Offering of RSVK

We sang along, played along, laughed along and yes, made this Mission… Vision… a play! Today, we start planting 5000 saplings received by us. On the closing day of Vanmahotsav, we are happy to add a tinge of green to this beautiful landscape.

Greenery at Gurukulam

Rishi Gurukulam saw young nature lovers’ plant saplings in loving togetherness for one week. Students enjoyed digging pits and planting saplings with loads of love and gratitude. The premises in and around Gurukulam is now covered in green. A sight to behold during the rains!

Offering of RSVK

Inspiring and including all at Gurukulam to make the world a greener place. Provided them with saplings & digging equipment. This year we planted 4000 plants.

Plantation work with BNI

BNI group of entrepreneurs joined hands with us in our mission of ‘Green India Green World’. Plantation of saplings of Amla and Jamun were done by them at Katarkhadak village. They all enjoyed being with nature – enjoying the rains, and waterfalls too. It was fun filled day with loads of energy to carry back home.

Offering of RSVK

Opportunity to make Green India at Dyaneshwar Bhoomi. Inspiring and including as many people as possible in our mission.

Aananda Kendra

SSY  focuses on giving 5 fundamental educations to the village children. These Five fundamental educations are based on five elements and each has specific learning. Space: silence and peace,Air: touching lives,Fire: Leadership,Water: excellence,Earth: Inclusion and service.

Date: Since July 2017

Venue: SSY Aananda Kendra

Participants: Katarkhadak and Javal Village School students.

Material used: Computers, musical instruments, art material, pottery wheel, clay and furnace.

  1. Space: silence and peace

        This education makes a person joyous and peaceful.

  1. Air: touching lives

       Make lots and lots of friends. Love is given primary importance.

  1. Fire: Leadership

        Entrepreneurship and being useful wherever you are.

  1. Water: excellence

        Creating beauty and Excellence in everything you do in every area.

  1. Earth: Inclusion and service

        Including everyone and serving the last person in the world.

        This education is imparted through the methodology of Avidya and Vidya.