The Healing Touch!

Katarkhadak youth equipped themselves with massage therapy. On their way to become professional masseurs, these young men learnt the technique, types and benefits of massage.



One of the young participants shared,” these hands on training will help us start our own massage therapy centre.” Another shared,” I had a pain in my neck for quite some time now. With my co – trainer’s massage, my neck has got some relief.”

offering of RSVK


We arranged for a professional masseur to teach these young men the skill of massage. 


‘The best way to predict your future is to create it.’


We extended a helping hand to the youth of Katarkhadak, Andhale, Khamboli and other villages to create theirs through the Total Success Development Workshop. It was divided into section A and B. The main aim of the workshop is to enhance entrepreneurship skills and to encourage one to start on own. It also focuses on leadership and ways to expand business. Section A was attended by 18 rural men.

Dipesh Suryavanshi conducted the workshop on 12th and 19th August, 2018.

For the love of sports…..

‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ goes the old saying. We decided to brighten up the daily routine of our rural school going kids with some games and fun. We have introduced Outdoor and Indoor games sessions for 4 rural schools with a games teacher. We have started with  indoor games such as Chess,  Ludo, Snakes and Ladder,  Carrom, etc. in the monsoons. Enroute this fun filled journey is kinesthic development that will help children in the long run.

We have appointed a Sports sir, Subhashji who trains children in sports. We have also provided various sports equipment’s.