Aanganwadi teachers isp

Character -building is always a work in progress! But it begins right from infancy. Handling children skillfully right from childhood calls for a lot of awareness.  ISP –Infant SSY program is an experiential workshop that guides parents and teachers to bring about overall balanced development of a child covering their Physical, Mental, Social, Emotional and Spiritual faculties. 

Earlier Aanganwadi teachers experienced stress and put in efforts without expected results as they lacked awareness. Their raw approach and corporal punishment failed to get them desired results.

Offering of RSVK

Rishi SamskruthiVidhya Kendra created awareness of this program and enrolled parents and teachers of the aanganwadi to experience ease while dealing with children. We conducted training and also provided necessary skills in the area of parenting and teaching. Currently we have trained 38 aanganwadi teachers which directly impacts 16000 children below 6 years. The program continues to touch lives of children, parents and teachers making learning, teaching and parenting a joyful experience.

Clean India

‘Be the change you wish to see in the world.’  Practically implementing this, the Cleanliness Drive taken up by us , aims at motivating the villagers to adopt cleanliness as a way of life. By walking the talk, the Rishi Gurukulam students, teachers, staff and workers themselves keep inspiring the villagers. The village children, students and grown ups are  encouraged to participate in these activities so that later on they maintain cleanliness of their own accord. 

Offering of RSVK

RSVK: Rishi Samskruti Vidya Kendra has adopted twelve villages around and cleaning is a major project taken up by us. SSY program is conducted for all the villagers and village students. This is a step towards Clean India Green India!