Rains raincoats and plants

Let your heart melt this monsoon! Yes, the joy of sharing is so blissful! Children in villages go to school walking. And many of them have to walk miles. During the rains, if they have raincoats, it’s easier for them to walk and be dry for the whole day in the school. Yet, not to make any one just seekers of charity, even when we share our abundance, we link it with a higher purpose! So we linked this raincoats distribution with the Plantation drive. Every child was given two saplings, one of Amla and one of Jaamun. Children loved to receive the combination of both saplings and raincoats. Both the things made them equally happy! It was a heartwarming sight to see these children value the raincoats – the way they received it, tried it, folded it and were in gratitude.

Offering of RSVK

We distributed in four villages schools of Aandhale, Katarkhadak, Jawal and Khamboli. Total 200 raincoats, 400 saplings.

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