Lighting the path of knowledge

“Empowered Women empower others.”
This holds true for our young women educators from Katarkhadak, Khamboli and Padalgarwadi village, who with unwavering determination and a deep-rooted belief in the power of education, have become beacons of knowledge, imparting essential concepts to eager young minds. We decided to support this initiative by offering them teaching aids like the Board,  Box of Chalks and Duster. While these women are a catalyst of change for their communities they also bring in some financial freedom for themselves.

Bridging the knowledge gap!

Offering of RSVK:-

Our rural team arranged for the Chalk boards to make imparting education and learning more meaningful.

Women with a Vision

We decided to take this plan one step further with our Quilt- making initiative for women of Katarkhadak village.
The activity that uses old clothes for making quilt not only helps in leveraging traditional skills and repurposing resources but also has cultural significance and economic value as the women thus engaged in this fruitful initiative attain financial autonomy.

Fostering Financial Freedom!

Offering of RSVK:-

Baggit is Supporting the activity by helping them to develop the skill and also help by purchasing the finished product.

A Street Play : Plastic Free India

The students of Rishi Gurukul ,Katarkhadak presented a Street Play to create awareness about the need to understand the detrimental effects of single use plastic bags. The play effectively revolved around three major aspects, viz., Plastic Predicament , Awakening and Action and Plastic -Free Revolution. The play was a success for Katarkhadak ZP school students, teachers and villagers. We all Playfully learnt how our conscious choices can go a long way in making a huge impact on environment.

Offering of RSVK:-

Devendra Sir from Rishi Gurukul along with our Rural team coordinated with the Katarkhadak ZP school authorities for the smooth presentation.

Sweetening Future : Peanut laddu distribution

Sweetening Future : Peanut laddu distribution

We found unbounded joy in seeing brightly lit up faces of students from 9 ZP schools and Aaganwadis when we offered them ladoos packed with protein and natural sweetness. We chose this Indian delicacy to not only provide nourishment coupled with taste but also encourage healthy eating habits among young students.

Inspiring smiles and sweetness!

Offering of RSVK:-

Our rural team collaborated with HERE Solutions and authorities of ZP schools and Aaganwadis to make this project a resounding success.

Empowering Education through technology

As part of our ongoing commitment towards a sustainable environment and happy community, we embarked on yet another journey , this time, along with TCS. The generous contribution of computer monitors by TCS has helped us repurpose 15 used monitors and make a huge positive impact on education, the environment, and our communities, the beneficiaries being our Gurukul and CSR office.

Creating sustainable communities!

Offering of RSVK :-
Our rural team truly appreciates the meaningful initiative by TCS to enable students to expand their horizons and acquire necessary digital skills.