Health & Hygiene Kit

Our vision to contribute to a healthy and hygienic world was spotted in work- clothes when 500 Hygiene kits were offered to Aanganwadi and Middle ZP school students across 9 villages of Mulshi Valley.  The project is supported by HERE Solutions India Pvt LTD and carried forward by our Rural team. The kit consisting of a nail cutter, an ayurvedic toothpaste, a tongue cleaner, 2 soaps, 6 masks, a comb cum lies cleaner was packed in a bag with an affirmation for a healthy body printed on it!

offering of RSVK


 Our rural team happily packed the gifts in the bag. An endeavour to bring about health and hygiene awareness.

of the activity

Date: 02nd July 2021

Venue: Aandhale, Katarkhadak, Khamboli, Pimpoli, Shelkewadi, Gavarwadi, Javal, Kemsewadi and Rasalwadi villages.

Coordinators: Rural team.

Participants: All ZP school children’s and Teacher’s.

Material provided: Health Kit.

Gratitude to: CSR Project Supported by HERE Solution India Pvt LTD


help for Self study

Village children love to come to school,most of them, and when the school is closed due to the pandemic and Covid for a long time they really miss their friends and studies too.

A beautiful step was initiated by Narendra Rane and his friends to gift Self Study books and writing material to these students. Nine schools of Khamboli zone were selected and brought together to gift this helpful kit to the students at the school. 250 plus kits of Self Study books on school subjects with the writing material was packed for each student.


The teachers came to Rishi Gurukulam to collect these and distribute it to their students. This event was held in the presence of the Deputy Education Officer Mr. Manik Bangar.

offering of RSVK

Self-Study books and writing material kit for 250 plus students.

How about encouraging Self Study?

Details of the activity

Date: 14th October, 2020

Venue: Rishi Gurukulam

Coordinators: Narendra Rane and Kapil

Participants: Khamboli Kendra (All Z P teachers)

Material provided: Self Study books and writing material kit.


Gratitude to: Pujya Guruji, Manojji and whole Rural development team!

Children SSY at Khamboli

The children of Khamboli village were gifted Children SSY.  The programme inspired the children to see their own inherent greatness and greatness around them. Raw food, pranayama and meditation being the main features, the programme aimed at building responsible world citizens. Students relished the Prasad offered after each session and loved making charts with positive affirmations.  

offering of RSVK


Our SSY teachers and Volunteers, Sarita, Dipesh, Shailesh, Bindu, Kapil, Rajesh, Shri, Krish committed to the mission conducted the SSY class. A one-day retreat will soon follow.

Stretch and unstress

Work- out is in, but we decided to help our rural kids to work-in through yoga. 21st June 2019 saw us celebrating International Yoga Day with our village school students. The weeklong Yoga training picked enthusiasm with banners and music. Jawal, Khamboli and Katarkhadak school students benefitted greatly from this ancient practice of relaxing, replenishing and reviving. 

offering of RSVK


Our Rural team members, Renuka, Rafik, Amol and Gurukulam sports teacher, Rahul trained the students in yoga.

Tip Tap Toe

Little dancing feet of our ZP school students left us mesmerized when we organized a classical dance workshop for them. The students made the most of the limited resources and unlimited enthusiasm. Giving their 100%, they displayed extraordinary talent in learning to dance on a Marathi devotional number.



Such dance workshops that are on their way to becoming a regular feature in ZP Schools are enjoyed thoroughly by the simple rural kids of Khamboli, Katarkhadak, Jawal and Aandhale.

offering of RSVK


 We invited Miss Neha Nalawade, a Bharatnatyam dancer, to conduct the workshop.

Gaming Zone

On 26th January, 2019, we made the best move ever by introducing indoor games such as Chess and Carom in ZP School at Khamboli village. The said games have given much needed mental and emotional workout to these rural kids. The enthusiasts now play these games adhering to the rules while having oodles of fun.




Enrooted this journey of mental and emotional workout, the children have evolved much more patient and calm learning to plan and strategize.

We provided Carom board and Chess board sets. We arranged for a session explaining rules of the two games.

For The Fun Games

Rural team organizes outdoor games for school kids who enjoyed playing kabbadi, kho- kho, cricket, wrestling, etc. The leisure time is now used fruitfully by these 1st to 7th grade students


thus channelizing their energy towards more healthy activities. Consequently, their health has improved, energy levels enhanced and immunity developed.

offering of RSVK


Our Rural team member, Subhash Malpote, trains the kids of Khamboli, Katarkhadak, Aandhale and Jawal villages. These outdoor activities are now a regular feature. 


To develop love for technology and become pro at handling it, we have started Computer classes at the Khamboli High School for students of std. V -X.  The thrice-a- week session includes basic computer knowledge, history of computer through video clippings, notes on computers, practical’s, etc. The students follow a syllabus prepared by us. This step helps students to update themselves with latest knowledge about computer application.

offering of RSVK


Rafik Sir and Seema Didi, our rural development team members, have taken the lead to impart computer knowledge from 18th September, 2018.

Computer Education

Khamboli village girls got an opportunity to equip themselves with new generation technology and computer education. The twice a week classes held for the girls introduced them to history of computers through a video presentation, hardware components through notes and MS office. The syllabus for the year is ready and so are the village girls and their parents to empower them with this new knowledge and help them handle computers efficiently.


offering of RSVK


Seema Kamble and Rafik, our Rural development team members have started conducting these classes from 18th September, 2018 onwards devoting 4 hours a week.

For the love of sports…..

‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ goes the old saying. We decided to brighten up the daily routine of our rural school going kids with some games and fun. We have introduced Outdoor and Indoor games sessions for 4 rural schools with a games teacher. We have started with  indoor games such as Chess,  Ludo, Snakes and Ladder,  Carrom, etc. in the monsoons. Enroute this fun filled journey is kinesthic development that will help children in the long run.

We have appointed a Sports sir, Subhashji who trains children in sports. We have also provided various sports equipment’s.