Toys distribution

A toy is a child’s best childhood friend. The joy of receiving toys remains unparalleled. Toys are effective educational tools as they combine learning with fun. Children bond with friends and teachers over toys. Every year Rishi Gurukulam offers toys to the village children. Using these as a teaching aid, the teachers at Gurukulam make the most of the fondness the children have for toys.

Offering of RSVK

Rishi Samskruthi Vidhya Kendra offers toys to village children. We receive toys from the urban people, after collecting it; they are distributed in the villages. Some games are taught while others are picked up by them on their own out of sheer curiosity. Gifting toys to village and Aanganwadi children has become an annual affair.

Visit by village students

The coming together of rural and urban India thaws regional differences and binds the two in loving togetherness. Under one such activity undertaken by RSVK, the village students visited Rishi Gurukulam. During their visit , they learnt more about the Guru Shishya parampara. To be introduced to the diverse culture of India was an enriching experience for both. 

Students interacted with each other as also the teachers which led to exchange of creative ideas and gave way to fresh learning experiences. Values such as empathy, co-operation, inclusiveness, understanding, unity and helping each other came naturally and effortlessly.

Offering of RSVK

RSVK: Rishi Samskruti Vidya Kendra offered a platform for interaction of Village children with Rishi Gurukulam students. Children enjoyed art related activities and  learnt new things along with some leisure time spent in play. It was a small initiative in the direction of the vision – ‘One India , Developed India.’

Medical camp

Good health has always topped the priority list at RSVK. In keeping with our vision of a healthy India, a medical camp was organized. A team of seven doctors and surgeons with expertise in their respective areas of health graced us with their presence and guidance. The beneficiaries were the villagers, students and all the employees of the Rishi Gurukulam project.

The camp comprised of a routine check –up along with monitoring of   blood sugar and BP levels. An eye check –up coupled with ENT consultation marked the success of the program.

Offering of RSVK

Rishi Samskruthi Vidya Kendra hosted a meeting with doctors and surgeons who successfully created health awareness among the villagers and Gurukulam employees. 200 people were benefited by this camp. It was mainly aimed at making Katarkhadak village healthier and happier.

Healthy mind in a healthy body

As a  grassroots approach to addressing rural healthcare and preventative healthcare education , a one- to- one session of the villagers with the health consultant was arranged. To improve family health and hygiene, simple, homemade remedies were suggested by the dietician Dr. Sejal Dholakia. The program was a huge success especially among village women as they never look at a dietician as an option. The village women were at ease consulting the doctor and taking guidance from her on the challenges faced by them with respect to food and family healthcare.

Offering of RSVK

RSVK: Rishi Samskruti Vidya Kendra offered a platform for the villagers to interact and learn with easy Take away some health from Dr. Sejal Dholakia. An awareness regarding the importance of a healthy diet and the connection between diet and health was successfully established. All the villagers were invited, who attended it in the allotted time slots.