Natures Cure

On the eve of Naturopathy Day, more than 150 villagers from Khamboli and Katarkhadak villages availed of the naturopathy health camp. Organized by the Rural team, the camp was a success. Especially as many health related queries were resolved and a healthy natural lifestyle involving Pranayam, natural food, yoga and mud therapy was propagated.


                A physically challenged girl responded well to tyevtratment and will continue to receive treatment.

offering of RSVK


Our Rural team member, Dr. Renuka Vyas along with 10 doctors from Mumbai led the camp.


October brought festivities and also a lot of fun with it as our rural school students engaged in making dandiya for Navratri celebrations. These kids from grade 1 to 5 from Khamboli, Aandhale, Pimpoli, Jawal and Katarkhadak villages learnt to decorate wooden sticks, newspaper rolls and make dandiyas. Fancy lace and colorful cloth adorned these beautiful handmade dandiyas. The aim was to develop their creative faculty

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Our Rural team under the guidance of Mrs. Seema Kamble and Manisha Shinde conducted art class for school students on 12th and 15th October. This was followed by Navratri celebrations.

The Healing Touch!

Katarkhadak youth equipped themselves with massage therapy. On their way to become professional masseurs, these young men learnt the technique, types and benefits of massage.



One of the young participants shared,” these hands on training will help us start our own massage therapy centre.” Another shared,” I had a pain in my neck for quite some time now. With my co – trainer’s massage, my neck has got some relief.”

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We arranged for a professional masseur to teach these young men the skill of massage. 

For the love of sports…..

‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ goes the old saying. We decided to brighten up the daily routine of our rural school going kids with some games and fun. We have introduced Outdoor and Indoor games sessions for 4 rural schools with a games teacher. We have started with  indoor games such as Chess,  Ludo, Snakes and Ladder,  Carrom, etc. in the monsoons. Enroute this fun filled journey is kinesthic development that will help children in the long run.

We have appointed a Sports sir, Subhashji who trains children in sports. We have also provided various sports equipment’s.


We took one more confident step towards our mission of rural development by setting up a new Kendra for Zilla Parishad schools at Pimpale village.


  Three projects that we have started with are-  Enhancing English reading and writing skills to help students communicate better.  Computer proficiency to help them handle technology  and Advanced SSY fun games to help them bond better with everyone and experience togetherness  among themselves. These projects are an initiative to make the students  more self-reliant by building up their self-esteem.


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Our Rural  Development team members take turns to conduct regular sessions with the students. The centre aims to be the focal point for future activities planned to bring about a positive difference in the lives of these rural children. 

Marathon…… Chasing dreams!

The hills beckoned us and we ran to their call. Winding their through the lush green valley,  Rishi Gurukulam students, teachers, parents  along with 13  Village  school students and  runners from Striders group participated in the Varsha Marathon held on ………..2018. Students ran a good 6km while others completed the Marathon as part of our ‘Clean India, Green India Campaign.’

We made arrangements for the Marathon with refreshments in between. Children were gifted beautiful tiffin boxes with healthy breakfast.

International Women’s day with Padman

On the eve of Women’s day, we let media take charge and do what it does best- be a force of positive change. 130 women from Katarkhadak village celebrated womanhood by gathering  for a special screening of the movie Padman, specially arranged for them. The initiative aimed at equipping women with necessary knowledge and empower them to be leaders in their own right and catalyse development. The movie came as an eye- opener in the area of menstrual hygiene for most rural women. The coming together of women helped even the most reticent ones to speak their hearts out. The beneficiaries promised us that they would put their health at the top of their  priority list henceforth. They  are now willing to visit the clinic meant for them when needed. To add to the celebrations,  we distributed tiffin boxes to them and  enjoyed a meal together at the SSY Ananad Kendra. The Director of the movie, R. Balki lauded our initiative with-” Thank you so much for taking this film to the areas where it has to be seen.” A small baby step to help women speak up, speak for and speak out……

The New born SSY Ananda Kendra hall lent itself for the screening of the movie. Tiffin boxes sponsored by our meditator Gopalji added a special touch to the day. 

Date: 8 March 2018.

Venue: Ananda Kendra.

Coordinators: Rural team.

Participants: all the village ladies of Katharkhadak.

Material used: Padmaan movie, projection, Mike system.


Gratitude to: Pujya Guruji ,Manoj ji and whole Rural development team!

Teen Talk

As an extension of the Women’s Day celebrations, we decided  to equip teenage girls from Katarkhadak village with the knowledge about physical changes during puberty, menstrual hygiene, mental and physical changes  during adolescence and teenage pregnancy. We organised a Sex education and Awareness session. 11 girls from Katarkhadak  villlage who participated in the same  felt free  to discuss these topics, asked queries and benefitted from it.



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Our Our in-house gynecologist,  Dr.Varsha at Rishi Gurukulam , Katakhadak conducted the session with the girls.

Rural children visit Gurukulam

Having embarked on a journey from self-development to Global development through Children’s SSY, Khamboli and Andhale village school kids visited their Gurukulam counterparts. This std.1 to 4 village school students shared their takeaways from the SSY programmer in their last session which was held at Gurukulam itself. Theinteraction between the future world leaders was a sight to behold. And we are more than happy to be a part of this metamorphosis.

Our SSY teachers Prabhakarji and Dinesh who led the session arranged for the  visit to the  Gurukulam and the rendezvous with the students.

Children SSY in Rural School

‘A child is the tomorrow of today.’ We thought of helping children shape their tomorrows by helping them create their todays. Two Children SSY classes were conducted for a batch of 50 students of Andhale village school and 25 school students of Khamboli village.


A complete package for all round development, the programmer aimed at creating world leaders with increased awareness about health-physical and mental- and improved concentration and memory.

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Our teachers Dinesh ji and Prabhakar ji groomed children through fun activities like drama, songs, bhajans, fun club and art. We provided resource material for various activities. This was for 60 students totally from Aandhale and Khamboli.