Manojji’s visit

One question that is worth asking oneself is that how can I serve others more? An extension of this query was Manoj ji’s visit to the villages from Jawalgaon to Katarkhadak village school.  The tour was totally focused on the ongoing projects of RSVK and what more can be done to make life more comfortable for the rural folk. The ways to inspire and include more and more people was also reflected upon.

The visit was a learning experience for us as well. The villagers who were in deep gratitude for the projects and resources offered taught us the value of gratitude.

Offering of RSVK

When beautiful people meet beautiful things happen. A discussion of Manojji with the school authorities and important people of the villages, interested in village growth, turned out to be extremely fruitful. Magic of Gratitude workshop is already being offered to them. Some tips for enhancing playful learning were also shared.

Students had a great time being with Manojji and they got easily connected to him owing to his childlike playful nature.  Singing prayers, rhymes with drama and action and a Marathi prayer helped build an amazing rapport with the children.

Freedom club

The Child’s mind is the most fertile resource. Hence planting moral values is of immense importance. We, at RSVK, believe in developing individuals with strength of character by catching them young. Children’s SSY, Advanced SSY, Fun Club, ISP are some of the tools that help us in our journey. And what we get out of these playful and interactive sessions is a band of future citizens who set a bench mark of a developed head, heart and mind.

Offering of RSVK

Inspire every individual to imbibe values such as truth, love, peace, responsibility, acceptance, leadership & integrity.  Sports and adventure is a part this fun teaching –learning process.


The Retreat, after SSY is a treat for the mind, body and soul. The villagers experienced the highest form of bliss through meticulously designed processes. A paradoxical experience that brings freedom through bonding, bestows a sense of moodiness in everybodiess and gives a reason to be happy without a reason. The participants returned after unwrapping the gift of life, taking it on with a cheerful grin.

Offering of RSVK

Villagers stayed at the Katarkhadak ashram for the Retreat and experienced silence that seeing godliness in everything around brings.

Books distribution

Books are uniquely portable magic.’ And we decided to create this magic for our village children, youth and women by distributing books. In collaboration with CAN, an NGO that connected with us on this project, we gifted books to students and women whom we interact with on a daily basis under our character building and leadership and women empowerment programs respectively.

Offering of RSVK

Rishi SamskruthiVidhya Kendra collected the books from CAN organization and shouldered the responsibility of distributing it those interested.

Aanganwadi teachers isp

Character -building is always a work in progress! But it begins right from infancy. Handling children skillfully right from childhood calls for a lot of awareness.  ISP –Infant SSY program is an experiential workshop that guides parents and teachers to bring about overall balanced development of a child covering their Physical, Mental, Social, Emotional and Spiritual faculties. 

Earlier Aanganwadi teachers experienced stress and put in efforts without expected results as they lacked awareness. Their raw approach and corporal punishment failed to get them desired results.

Offering of RSVK

Rishi SamskruthiVidhya Kendra created awareness of this program and enrolled parents and teachers of the aanganwadi to experience ease while dealing with children. We conducted training and also provided necessary skills in the area of parenting and teaching. Currently we have trained 38 aanganwadi teachers which directly impacts 16000 children below 6 years. The program continues to touch lives of children, parents and teachers making learning, teaching and parenting a joyful experience.

Parent’s meet

A child gives birth to a parent.’ Parenting is an art that needs to be cultivated. We guide parents in their journey of bringing up their children in the most effective yet effortless way. Value education being the most important aspect of our guidance, we help parents realize the inherent greatness in their children.

Offering of RSVK

Provide a platform for bringing parents and children together, focusing on character development through examples set by Jijamata (Shivaji’s mother).

Yoga day

The International Yoga day highlights the important role that yoga plays in healthy living.  This day aims to raise global awareness about the myriad benefits of practicing Yoga. It is an occasion that inspires children to make Yoga a part of their daily regime.Pranayam and Meditation is also taught to them in our SSY program.

Offering of RSVK

On the occasion of Yoga Day, Yoga trainers of Rishi Gurukulam took the opportunity to conduct a Yoga workshop for village students.  This was conducted on the school village ground. Every year we plan to include more and more villages and create awareness of the need to adopt yoga for a longer, happier life.

Shoe distribution

The way to school for the village students is a journey full of discomfort what with all the sharp objects, hot tar roads and uneven surface. Children walk down kilometers on sunny days to and from the school. And some times the water bottles are emptied on the roads to cool off their feet for some respite. Going to school for education is still on, can we relieve these determined feet of the discomfort?

Offering of RSVK

Rishi Samskruthi Vidhya Kendra received extended valuable support in this regard by teaming up with JAMM’S, group of all mothers. The organization contributed and collected footwear for the village children. On receiving these gifts, tiny, happy feet forged ahead to realize their dreams.

Distribution of warm clothes

Benevolence keeps the warmth among brethren alive. The weather at Katarkhadak and neighboring villages demands warm clothes for six months in a year.

As a tangible expression of our love for the villagers, we distributed warm clothes during the winters to young and old alike.

These thoughtful gifts changed hands, passing on from those who wish to share their abundance with the needy.

Offering of RSVK

Rishi SamskrithiVidya Kendra serves as a link between those who wish to share their abundance and passion in various areas and all those who require and receive it with lots of gratitude. The activity, conducted on Indian Republic Day, added to the patriotic fervor weaving everyone together in the fabric of love and compassion.

Indian institute of inspirational Leadership for Rural Development


(Affiliated to Karnataka University, Dharwad)

 Guruji Shri Rishi Prabhakarji has created and designed this degree course with the aim to blend best of both Eastern & Western worlds – by integrating ethnology and methodology with the Indian cultural ethos, along with development of traditional, spirituality-based value system.   

  ILRD’s objective is to bring prosperity in harmony with ecology and the person, ushering a new era in Indian villages. This is a 3 years integrated course.

 The course of study is interdisciplinary in nature. Faculty from various departments, eminent social workers and environment experts are invited to train the students in specific areas.

Today’s modern, educated youth can imbibe this knowledge and take up the leadership for rural development as their life-work for uplifting Indian villages.

At present many villages are affected by the Greed-Grab-Consume-Exhaust approach for short gains for a few, as followed in the urban industrial culture. The new era will be Need based – Resource conserve – Regenerate and yet enjoy through giving, so that everyone prospers in the long run.

ILRD emphasizes on developing entrepreneurial skills in individuals, enabling to generate hundreds of jobs around them wherever they are in the world, empowering them to be job creators rather than job seekers.