help for Self study
Village children love to come to school,most of them, and when the school is closed due to the pandemic and Covid for a long time they really miss their friends and studies too.
A beautiful step was initiated by Narendra Rane and his friends to gift Self Study books and writing material to these students. Nine schools of Khamboli zone were selected and brought together to gift this helpful kit to the students at the school. 250 plus kits of Self Study books on school subjects with the writing material was packed for each student.
The teachers came to Rishi Gurukulam to collect these and distribute it to their students. This event was held in the presence of the Deputy Education Officer Mr. Manik Bangar.
offering of RSVK
Self-Study books and writing material kit for 250 plus students.
How about encouraging Self Study?
Details of the activity
Date: 14th October, 2020
Venue: Rishi Gurukulam
Coordinators: Narendra Rane and Kapil
Participants: Khamboli Kendra (All Z P teachers)
Material provided: Self Study books and writing material kit.
Gratitude to: Pujya Guruji, Manojji and whole Rural development team!