Prahar military school

A batch of 6o enthusiastic students from Nagpur Prahar Military School participated in the SSY class offered to them by us. The school has derived inspiration from Nana Patekar’s 1991 film ‘Prahar’. Besides bringing them up as responsible sensitive citizens, the school aims at inspiring students to become soldiers and hence invited us to enrich their lives further through our SSY program.

Students were immensely benefited and they appreciated the beauty and simplicity of this self -awareness program. Along with SSY, tips on how to remember their syllabus effortlessly – by systematically organizing the data and mind mapping concepts was also taught to them.

Date: 7 to 15 June

Venue: Prahar, Nagpur

Teacher/Trainer: Dipesh, Rajesh and Narendra

Coordinators: Bindu

Participants: Prahar school students

Material used: training aids

Gratitude to: PujyaGuruji , Manojji and whole Rural development team!