School toilet in Khamboli village

Hygienic water and sanitation facilities are of prime importance in schools. Every child has the right to have access to safe, clean drinking water and hygienic washrooms. In view of this need, we decided to make things easier for the school girls of Khamboli village school by repairing their ladies toilet block. A humble gesture to assure we care…..

Offering of RSVK

We arranged the monetary support from mediators for this cause, and offered the requisite help to the village school. Thus ensuring that the children have a better place, a better world.

Swatchh Bharat abhiyaan

Mahatma Gandhiji’s message to all of us is – ‘ Swatchhta is a seva’. On occasion of his birthday, our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji declared ‘Swatchh Bharat Abhiyan’.

RSVK is also continuously working towards ‘Clean India Green India’. Taking this opportunity, we inspired action in the rural India.

Offering of RSVK

Inspired action and participated in two villages, Jawal and Pimpoli.

All the children, men, women & youth enthusiastically  joined us to clean our beautiful India.

Details of the activity

Date: 2 Oct 2017

Venue: Jawal and Popoli

Participants: 23 and 24 respectively


Techno Savvy India!

As part of our mission to make Ruraltechno savvy, we extended support by conducting basic Computer Operations sessions for the students of grades 8th, 9th and 10th of Jawal village. These youngsters with the help of practical experience of operating computers are now equipped with confidence in handling technology. 

offering of RSVK


We arranged computer laboratory with computers. The session conducted by Alok provided much needed exposure to these rural adolescents with hands on training.

Gratitude session

Gratitude is the highest virtue to live by.The magic of spreading this workshop has become much easier.Anyone and everyone can be trained to take this workshop.The trainers go house to house with a recorded session. They can play and pause it and make it interactive too.So everywhere this knowledge can be easily spread. All you need is the will to do it.

Offering of RSVK

The rural development team which actually belongs to the villages is trained to take this workshop. They go from door to door, make batches of four to six people and conduct this simply transforming session. Wow! Soon this is spreading like wild fire.

Tailoring class

We weaved a little love and confidence into the lives of our village women folk by introducing tailoring classes. These enthusiastic bands of women from Katarkhadak village have taken charge of saving environment with their humble efforts. They are empowered with the skill to stitch cloth bags in bulk which will then be distributed among the villagers. It’s an attempt to help villagers give up the use of plastic bags. We are in gratitude to the village women for giving us an opportunity to equip them with the necessary skill, the machines, cloth, thread and loads of inspiration. Soon this will add a smile to their pockets too!

Offering of RSVK

Provided a platform to learn skills and get into entrepreneurship mode. We are in continuous process to empower the women.

Bappa distributes the books

Shri Krishna Vyayam Mandal, Shukrvarpet, Pune, came up with this unique idea. On the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi, they decide to offer Ganpati Bappa study kits of four books, pen, pencil, scale, eraser and sharpener, so that the kits can be later distributed to needy children. The idea was that the children, instead of feeling proud for giving it as charity, were in gratitude for making an offering to Ganapati Bappa. This offering later was distributed in the rural India.

Offering of RSVK

We helped these brilliant brains meet the right set of children who would use this books and stationery kit for their education.188 such sets were distributed in four village schools in four villages. Children were delighted to receive these study kits. Teachers of the school assured us, to make best use of the books for the academics of the students.

Distribution of clothes

We welcomed the birth of life, with the warmth of our love wrapped in the gift of clothes for the new born. Our team visited the Municipal hospital located at Mann, Mulshi Taluka, and distributed 35 sets of warm clothes to the new born baby girls. A message to cherish and celebrate the coming of a girl child. And, making it a practice, we intend to do so whenever a girl child is born here.

Offering of RSVK

Warm clothes are being distributed by us since past several years to the villagers in Taluka Mulshi , especially to children. This time we did it specifically for the new born baby girls. The hospital authorities & the staff highly appreciated our initiative and actively participated in the same. The families of the babies were over whelmed at our gesture.

SSY story books

Once upon a time……..’  is music to ears not just for kids but grown ups as well.  We, at RSVK, believe in making learning fun and interesting for kids. And this time, we decided to let the princes, the fairies and the little angels give wings to their imagination and creativity.

Offering of RSVK

We distributed  Marathi story books to children  of Jawal village who  were thrilled to receive them……A humble  step to usher them into a fantasy land where there is so much to learn…  imbibe…to emulate….

SSY Khamboli

SSY program in schools is one of the wonderful activities we do for child development. The energy created by the SSY is channelized to raise their consciousness, take leadership, take responsibility not only of self, village, or nation, but of the entire world. To maintain this energy further we conduct advance SSY sessions on weekly basis.

Offering of RSVK

Taking up the responsibility of nurturing the students through SSY program and value based education. Keeping them energized by weekly follow up with advanced sessions of SSY sessions.

SSY Katarkhadak

A new batch of SSY program is being held at Katarkhadak Village. It’s gratifying to have 25 villagers enrolled for this SSY batch, at a time when the rice ploughing season is in full swing and the villagers are extremely busy for the entire month, tending to their fields.

Also, the villagers now very fondly offer their houses to conduct these classes.

Offering of RSVK

Thank you Guruji for the gift of SSY, which connects us to the heart of common man. Thank you Rural Development Team for enrolling and successfully conducting these SSY programs.