We took one more confident step towards our mission of rural development by setting up a new Kendra for Zilla Parishad schools at Pimpale village.


  Three projects that we have started with are-  Enhancing English reading and writing skills to help students communicate better.  Computer proficiency to help them handle technology  and Advanced SSY fun games to help them bond better with everyone and experience togetherness  among themselves. These projects are an initiative to make the students  more self-reliant by building up their self-esteem.


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Our Rural  Development team members take turns to conduct regular sessions with the students. The centre aims to be the focal point for future activities planned to bring about a positive difference in the lives of these rural children. 

Children SSY… Making a Difference

To help children blossom,   we added a dash of sunshine in their lives with our Children SSY class conducted at Vadgavan and Dhonde village at Rajgurunagar. Sponsored by Bilcare, the initiative aims at empowering children with a vision for a brighter tomorrow. Coloured with stories, drawings and drama, the  activities in the workshop aid in making them responsible citizens.

Dinesh ji along with Dipesh conducted the sessions in the most fun filled manner. Making creative board and banners post the session so that they can be with the same energy!

Rural children visit Gurukulam

Having embarked on a journey from self-development to Global development through Children’s SSY, Khamboli and Andhale village school kids visited their Gurukulam counterparts. This std.1 to 4 village school students shared their takeaways from the SSY programmer in their last session which was held at Gurukulam itself. Theinteraction between the future world leaders was a sight to behold. And we are more than happy to be a part of this metamorphosis.

Our SSY teachers Prabhakarji and Dinesh who led the session arranged for the  visit to the  Gurukulam and the rendezvous with the students.

Learning made fun for Rural kids

More than 500 students across 3 schools in Mulshi valley benefitted from the Mobile Bus that was sent all the  way by Maa Foundation, the social aspect of Merilife that has been catering to about 250 Rural schools. The students enjoyed handling projects and models. They were shown Science shows. Mathematics games helped them refine their mathematical ability. Geography, Science and other subjects gained in meaning and value even more after this experience. The concepts became clearer and the children happier. Learning couldn’t have been more fun!

We invited Maa Foundation to bring their mobile AV Room to Rajgurunagar. Mohan Bhandhari the owner of Merilife graced us with his presence.

Date: 20 Feb to 22 Feb 2018.


Venue: Mulshi Valley.


Coordinators: Rural Team


Participants: Mulshi valley ZP school students.


Material used: Science teaching aids.


Gratitude to: Pujya Guruji , Manojji and whole Rural development team!

Education on wheels

We happily played host to the Mobile Bus cum A V Room sent for our Gurukulam students by Maa Foundation, the social wing of Merilife. Maa Foundation has been catering to  around 250 Rural schools across  Valsad and Vapi in Gujarat and are known for their philanthropic work in the area of education ranging from providing facilities to Career guidance. More than  across grade 4 to 10 availed  of this  rare opportunity. Science shows and projects pertaining to their syllabus kept them fruitfully busy. Abstract concepts turned concrete. Playing with the educational models was a joyful experience. Maths games helped clarify basic concepts. We didn’t ask our students how they liked   the experience as their smiles said it all!

We invited Maa Foundation to share their knowledge with our students. We are grateful to Meryl Life and Maa Foundation for this benevolent gesture.

Date: 20 Feb 2018.

Venue: Rishi Gurukulam, Katarkhadak hills.

Coordinators: Rural team and Rishi Gurukulam team.

Participants: Rishi Gurukulam students.

Material used: Science teaching aids.


Gratitude to: Pujya Guruji ,Manoj ji, Maa Foundation and whole Rural development team!

Techno Savvy India!

As part of our mission to make Ruraltechno savvy, we extended support by conducting basic Computer Operations sessions for the students of grades 8th, 9th and 10th of Jawal village. These youngsters with the help of practical experience of operating computers are now equipped with confidence in handling technology. 

offering of RSVK


We arranged computer laboratory with computers. The session conducted by Alok provided much needed exposure to these rural adolescents with hands on training.

SSY Khamboli

SSY program in schools is one of the wonderful activities we do for child development. The energy created by the SSY is channelized to raise their consciousness, take leadership, take responsibility not only of self, village, or nation, but of the entire world. To maintain this energy further we conduct advance SSY sessions on weekly basis.

Offering of RSVK

Taking up the responsibility of nurturing the students through SSY program and value based education. Keeping them energized by weekly follow up with advanced sessions of SSY sessions.

Aananda Kendra

SSY  focuses on giving 5 fundamental educations to the village children. These Five fundamental educations are based on five elements and each has specific learning. Space: silence and peace,Air: touching lives,Fire: Leadership,Water: excellence,Earth: Inclusion and service.

Date: Since July 2017

Venue: SSY Aananda Kendra

Participants: Katarkhadak and Javal Village School students.

Material used: Computers, musical instruments, art material, pottery wheel, clay and furnace.

  1. Space: silence and peace

        This education makes a person joyous and peaceful.

  1. Air: touching lives

       Make lots and lots of friends. Love is given primary importance.

  1. Fire: Leadership

        Entrepreneurship and being useful wherever you are.

  1. Water: excellence

        Creating beauty and Excellence in everything you do in every area.

  1. Earth: Inclusion and service

        Including everyone and serving the last person in the world.

        This education is imparted through the methodology of Avidya and Vidya.

Featuring in Apeksha magazine

Apeksha, a local magazine in the Mulshi Taluka, recognized and brought into light our activities conducted in the local area. It was a happy moment for us when our efforts were recognized by the magazine that featured an article on our Jawal village school Kendra. The clay work activity and the exposure given to school children through various activities conducted by our Aananda Kendra finds a special mention in the article.

We are in gratitude to the Jawal school, teachers and children for giving us an opportunity to make a positive difference. And of course, we are grateful to Apeksha magazine for seeing greatnessin all.

Offering of RSVK

Successfully running SSY Aananda Kendras in Taluka Mulshi villages

Children SSY

A seed has everything in it to create a thousand forests. All it requires is a consider environment for growth. Taking this forward, a Freedom Club has been set up for children from grade 1 across grade 7. The purpose is to create an environment for children to realize the importance of values in the most friendly and enjoyable way. The program acts as a launch pad for children to realize their inner greatness and express it in their day –to – day dealings with others. This play-way method of value inculcation borrows from techniques of Children SSY program. It inspires every child to shine his light by displaying values such as Truth, Love, Peace, Responsibility, Acceptance, Leadership and Integrity.

Offering of RSVK

Rishi Samskruthi Vidya Kendra in association with Bilcare Research could offer this wonderful experience to the children and conduct children SSY program for them. This helps us expand our reach to places beyond Mulshi area and everywhere around India.