Education on wheels

We happily played host to the Mobile Bus cum A V Room sent for our Gurukulam students by Maa Foundation, the social wing of Merilife. Maa Foundation has been catering to  around 250 Rural schools across  Valsad and Vapi in Gujarat and are known for their philanthropic work in the area of education ranging from providing facilities to Career guidance. More than  across grade 4 to 10 availed  of this  rare opportunity. Science shows and projects pertaining to their syllabus kept them fruitfully busy. Abstract concepts turned concrete. Playing with the educational models was a joyful experience. Maths games helped clarify basic concepts. We didn’t ask our students how they liked   the experience as their smiles said it all!

We invited Maa Foundation to share their knowledge with our students. We are grateful to Meryl Life and Maa Foundation for this benevolent gesture.

Date: 20 Feb 2018.

Venue: Rishi Gurukulam, Katarkhadak hills.

Coordinators: Rural team and Rishi Gurukulam team.

Participants: Rishi Gurukulam students.

Material used: Science teaching aids.


Gratitude to: Pujya Guruji ,Manoj ji, Maa Foundation and whole Rural development team!

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