Inauguration of SSY Ananda Kendra

We commemorated Guruji’s  Aradhana Day with the manifestation  of a lovingly cherished vision- the inauguration of the Anand Kendra. If Rural development is the soul of Guruji’s vision, Anand Kendra is its body.


Guruji’ s mother Ramadevi  Amma, Guruji’s wife Arundhati Ma and Guruji’s son Siddhant did the  honours. They were joined by Radha Ma and Jayram ji from USA, Gurukulam teachers, students and the  Rural team.

The Kendra will be the focal point for all future activities of SSY such as SSY, ISP, MOG, etc. The Rural development team shared their forthcoming programs and plans. Students sang melodious songs. It was an evening that will remain as the most fruitful one in our memory banks.

Date: 16 Feb 2018.

Venue: Kendra, Katharkhadak Village.

Coordinators: Rural team.

Participants: Residents of Rishi Gurukulam and villagers.


Gratitude to: Pujya Guruji ,Manojji and whole Rural development team!

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