Greener India

The joy of parenting a sapling is indescribable. Planting trees brings happiness as we all like to nurture nature. Every monsoon, we plant indigenous trees to restore greenery and make a contribution towards sustainable development. We planted thousands of plants in the Mulshi taluka promoting our project of making India cleaner and greener.

Offering of RSVK

Rishi Samskruthi Vidya Kendra has been conducting awareness among the villagers to refrain from cutting down trees and encourage planting and nurturing of trees.

Daily Energy session

Food for the soul is as vital as food for the body. Our invaluable supporters and helpers of the village team, right from housekeeping staff to cooks, drivers, admin staff, in-house carpenters, plumbers, Nursery , etc. take a daily bite into these Recharger sessions. These rejuvenating sessions include prayers, inspirational talks and videos. Small portions of values on a daily basis help the villagers experience inner growth, peace and happiness. This gradually transforms into their lives and manifests in their dealings with their loved ones , bringing more harmony in their outer world.

Offering of RSVK

A group of teachers, trainers takes daily sessions for this group.  Various trainers, speakers and teachers contribute on a variety of topics. This keeps them stress free, energizes them and makes them happy for no reason. They grow in self-love and their self-esteem rises.


The Army of the first village of India, Kupwara, invited Rishi Gurukulam students to visit Kupwara and stay with the Army – the Army way! The students interacted with each other. Interpersonal skills got a boost and students could exchange ideas leading to a better understanding of differences in the socio- cultural background. The teachers of civil schools were trained in handling children playfully enhancing leadership skills and personal growth.

Programs such as Magic of Gratitude, Science of Silence Yoga, and Magic of Marriage were conducted for the Army personnel. These were to resolve issues related to the challenges faced by the fauji’s on their personal front. We could successfully leave heart prints in the lives of our brave faujis , a way of giving back to them with gratitude for all that they do so unconditionally for us.