Visit to Shindoli Village

‘Each time we get closer to the heart of a common man, we get closer to the soul of our vision.’Our visit to Shindoli village was an extension of this very gesture. Shindoli, the last village in the Pune district, is a beautiful village surrounded by water bodies on 3 sides with only one road connecting it to other villages.

We at RSVK believe that there’s only one road that connects us to others and that’s of compassion and love. Ashok, an aeronautical engineer who has adopted 21 children of the school and dedicated his entire life for the welfare of the village took us around to meet the village folk.We had the opportunity to interact with the school children who greeted us with flowers and songs. We distributed slippers, pencil pouches and sweaters to 153 students of the school. Manojji’s friends collected donation with which we donated 3 computer tables and 6 chairs to the school.

Inauguration of SSY Ananda Kendra

We commemorated Guruji’s  Aradhana Day with the manifestation  of a lovingly cherished vision- the inauguration of the Anand Kendra. If Rural development is the soul of Guruji’s vision, Anand Kendra is its body.


Guruji’ s mother Ramadevi  Amma, Guruji’s wife Arundhati Ma and Guruji’s son Siddhant did the  honours. They were joined by Radha Ma and Jayram ji from USA, Gurukulam teachers, students and the  Rural team.

The Kendra will be the focal point for all future activities of SSY such as SSY, ISP, MOG, etc. The Rural development team shared their forthcoming programs and plans. Students sang melodious songs. It was an evening that will remain as the most fruitful one in our memory banks.

Date: 16 Feb 2018.

Venue: Kendra, Katharkhadak Village.

Coordinators: Rural team.

Participants: Residents of Rishi Gurukulam and villagers.


Gratitude to: Pujya Guruji ,Manojji and whole Rural development team!

Magic Of Gratitude

Joining us in our vision of connecting with the  rural folk and getting closer to their  hearts is  Bilcare India who supported us in conducting MOG sessions for Principals and staff of Village Zilla Parishad schools. Two workshops for two days benefitted more than 40 participants who look forward to taking it  in their schools for students and  their parents.

We have adopted 10 Village Zilla Parishad schools impacting 1500 students in Rajgurunagar where the Bilcare India plant is located. We also plan to conduct children’s SSY and Adult SSY for students and their parents respectively. Care to Share!

Date: 5th 6th Feb


Venue: Bilcare.


Coordinators: Bindu  and Narendra


Participants: 40


Material used: teaching aids


Gratitude to: Pujya Guruji ,Manoj ji and whole Rural development team!

Distribution Tiffin Boxes

We packed little happiness in colorful tiffin boxes which were distributed to Anganwadi and Primary school students on the eve of 69th Republic day. 36 Children of Jawal village now carry their snacks from home to school and back home from Anganwadi in these boxes.


offering of RSVK


We provided attractive, sturdy tiffin boxes to make things easier and eating a joyful experience for these children.  It’s a great experience to have meditators support these activities!

Costume distribution

Costumes lend colour and a special charm to the dance performance. We distributed 58 costumes comprising of white and grey tops to school students of Andhale, Khamboli, Katakhadak and Jawal villages.

The gesture aimed at boosting their creative expression through dance and giving a sense of uniformity to the performance. The smiles on the  children’s faces on receiving it was a gift we gave ourselves.

offering of RSVK


Our teachers taught the rural students dance and got them ready for the performance besides distributing the costumes. Spending time with kids training them and getting them ready for the performance was equally joyful for us. 


Date: 15 Jan 2018

Venue: Andhale, Khamboli, Katakhadak and Jawal villages.

Coordinators: Alok, Amol and Manisha

Participants: four village schools girls

Material used: costumes to distribute


Gratitude to: Pujya Guruji ,Manoj ji and whole Rural development team!

Blanket distribution

Love is a warm blanket and we grabbed the opportunity to wrap the underprivileged in the warmth of our love by distributing blankets. The joy of bringing warm sunshine in their lives brought immense satisfaction to our meditator who initiated this kind gesture. Deprived of proper homes, these villagers are now willing to undergo various programs we wish to offer. Specially skills in making them self-reliant and creating their own ideal world.

offering of RSVK


The help was extended to adivasis of Jawal and Dhangarwadi villages. We are now ready to impart necessary skills to help them earn their living.


The Army of the first village of India, Kupwara, invited Rishi Gurukulam students to visit Kupwara and stay with the Army – the Army way! The students interacted with each other. Interpersonal skills got a boost and students could exchange ideas leading to a better understanding of differences in the socio- cultural background. The teachers of civil schools were trained in handling children playfully enhancing leadership skills and personal growth.

Programs such as Magic of Gratitude, Science of Silence Yoga, and Magic of Marriage were conducted for the Army personnel. These were to resolve issues related to the challenges faced by the fauji’s on their personal front. We could successfully leave heart prints in the lives of our brave faujis , a way of giving back to them with gratitude for all that they do so unconditionally for us.

School toilet in Khamboli village

Hygienic water and sanitation facilities are of prime importance in schools. Every child has the right to have access to safe, clean drinking water and hygienic washrooms. In view of this need, we decided to make things easier for the school girls of Khamboli village school by repairing their ladies toilet block. A humble gesture to assure we care…..

Offering of RSVK

We arranged the monetary support from mediators for this cause, and offered the requisite help to the village school. Thus ensuring that the children have a better place, a better world.

Techno Savvy India!

As part of our mission to make Ruraltechno savvy, we extended support by conducting basic Computer Operations sessions for the students of grades 8th, 9th and 10th of Jawal village. These youngsters with the help of practical experience of operating computers are now equipped with confidence in handling technology. 

offering of RSVK


We arranged computer laboratory with computers. The session conducted by Alok provided much needed exposure to these rural adolescents with hands on training.

Gratitude session

Gratitude is the highest virtue to live by.The magic of spreading this workshop has become much easier.Anyone and everyone can be trained to take this workshop.The trainers go house to house with a recorded session. They can play and pause it and make it interactive too.So everywhere this knowledge can be easily spread. All you need is the will to do it.

Offering of RSVK

The rural development team which actually belongs to the villages is trained to take this workshop. They go from door to door, make batches of four to six people and conduct this simply transforming session. Wow! Soon this is spreading like wild fire.