Gratitude session for women

As an initiative to help everyone experience abundance in all areas of their lives, we regularly conduct the ‘Magic of Gratitude’ workshop. And this time, for the above workshop, we invited women from adjoining villages viz. Aandhale, Katarkhadak and Khamboli tour Katarkhadak Aashram. The workshop aimed at raising awareness – about focusing on gratitude for everything, everyone and every situation. Andthus magically reversing scarcity into abundance.

To help the participants relate better, we cited examples from their daily lives and in return, we got an earnest promise and commitment by them to live in this beautiful energy of Gratitude 24 x 7.

Date: 18 Apr 17

Venue: Dyaneshwar Bhoomi

Teacher/Trainer: Narendra, Bindu and Dipesh

Coordinators: Rural team

Participants: 80 ladies

Material used: PPT, Gratitude journals.

Gratitude to: PujyaGuruji , Manojji and whole Rural development team!

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