Janardhan Malpote

Name : Name: Janardhan Malpote ​

Age: 30 Year

Village: Katarkhadak

Mobile No. : 8796171809



I always wanted to have a business, but could never start due to financial constraints and lack of guidance and knowledge about business. So, I took up a job to support my family.

I joined the office of RSVK/SSY in Rishi Gurukulam School. There I did the SSY program. It has benefited me tremendously in all areas of life, physical, emotional and professional.

I have cured my high blood sugar & reduced its level by 60% though pranayama and meditation, taught in SSY program. There has been a tremendous increase in my potential and self-confidence too.

My family also did the SSY program this year. Thereafter, the environment in my house is very joyous peaceful. I have enrolled my son in Rishi Gurukulam.

Just by being in SSY culture, I have improved my English. I have also done professional insights program here. It has provided me the expertise and the confidence to start my own business.

I started my business last year of supplying vegetables to Rishi Gurukulam and Ashram and also to some hotels. It is expanding by leaps and bounds. Within one year, I was even able to purchase my own tempo for delivery.

SSY has given me many opportunities in life. I have attended teacher training course in Bangalore with Guruji. I also got to attend training session in Farming.  As I am a farmer too, it was big step and for me.

SSY has even decorated my courtyard with Warli painting along with courtyards of several others under its Beautification of Village plan.

I am also beneficiary of their clean India project, wherein they constructed toilet blocks in 20 houses in our village, including my house.


I am eternally grateful to them for enriching my & my family’s life.

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