Sanjay Ghare

Name : Sanjay Ghare                                                                             

Age : 45 Year

Village : Jawalgaon


Mobile No. : 9762283388

SSY program has helped me a lot in many ways. I have started eating plenty of raw foods. My health has considerably improved because of eating fruits & other raw foods. After doing SSY classes, I am able to communicate with people better. SSY has reduced my irritable nature. Also stopped eating tabacco and gutkha.

Even my kids have greatly benefited after doing the SSY program.

I have been working here in SSY for four years. The salary from here has significantly helped in improving my financial situation.

I have rebuilt my house from mud house to cemented pakka house. I have even dug a borewell for my fields.


The SSY environment is very good .Therefore, the mind remains fresh all day long. So I do not feel stress anymore. That’s why I never get sick. As long as I can to work, I am going to work here.

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