Santosh Malpote

Name : Santosh Malpote                                                                    

Age : 34 Year

Village : Katarkhadak


Mobile No. : 9762176481

After doing SSY workshop, I started following the principle and guideline laid down in SSY. I was also able to give up my bad habits of tabacco chewing etc.

I even did the professional insights program under SSY. There I learnt the ropes of running a business. It gave me the courage to start  my own business. So I started panchgavya chikitsa Kendra, that supplies the five items of desi ( local ) cows, namely, milk, ghee, curd, go-mutra ( cow urine) and cow dung.

I also started a goshala ( cow shed) of desi cow name shri samartha Gosavrdhan. My monthly income from it is 15,000-20,000.


My goal is to extend my business further.

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